3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, May 27, 2019

Elder Hewitt is Back Baby

This week has been nuts with tons of funny stories!

Me and Elder Kelly were knocking doors. A man answered and we proceeded to have a very pleasant conversation. He said "Ya I'm actually Jewish". Elder Kelly said "Wow that's cool. Are you actively Jewish?". He said "No, not anymore". Elder Kelly said what you absolutely shouldn't say, he said "Ya, I thought so". He said it totally instinctively. Then the guy was like "THOUGHT SO?! NICE DAY TO YOU!" and slammed the door. It was so funny.

Then on Thursday, Elder Hewitt got transferred to me and Elder Kelly. This is the 2nd time I have been companions with Elder Hewitt! I get to spend his last 8 days with him. We have been working super hard! We went to McDonald's to get ice-cream one time, and this lady called us over to pray with her. She was having surgery soon, and she wants to meet with us at McDonald's to teach her more about Jesus.

Elder Hewitt went in the woods to do something, and suddenly Elder Kelly got bit by a bug. Elder Hewitt got bit too! It was pretty funny cause I was totally fine.

But ya this week has been great. We also had interviews with President which was great. He will be going home June 28th. I love him!

Have a great week yall! 

Monday, May 20, 2019


Hello all!

I had a crazy week last week, I went on three exchanges! So it might take a minute to go through all of them.

I went on exchanges with Elder Garbitt in Mays Pond. He is hilarious and reminds me a lot of my cousin Adam. He is a very awesome missionary and works very hard. He is also the kind of guy you aspire to be more like. We had a pretty funny time on exchanges playing chess. We are both utter trash, so our game lasted about an hour and took all of dinner to do. We also raided the mission office and took some candy. 

I then went on exchanges with Elder Hatch. He is also very inspiring and someone I aspire to be more like. He is very sociable and very experienced as a missionary. We had a pretty awesome lesson with this catholic lady. She was not interested in converting, but we could tell that she wanted to believe what we were saying, she was not willing to let go of what she has known however. It was very pleasant and we actually learned a lot.

I then went on exchanges with Elder Davison. He is bald and awesome. I also totally destroyed my bike. For some reason when I shifted down, the back gear shifter exploded and got all tangled up in my tire. It was honestly kind of funny. Not sure if it is worth spending money to repair it, but hopefully I just stay on car the rest of my mission! We had a lesson with a guy named Burt, he is also catholic but wishes to become a member of our church. He loves the Doctrine so much more. I can't wait to see him be baptized someday! We also walked down a random trail and found a homeless guy. He was really humble and we were able to teach him the restoration. He said it makes sense and that he wants to learn more. He said he would love to read the Book of Mormon. 

That is basically all for my week! I have been residing Doctrine and Covenants and it is pretty hardcore! 

Love you all! 

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Weekly

Hello everyone!

My last weekly email did not send! I will definitely try to make up for it this week.

This week we had zone conference. We talked a lot about how we can double baptisms in this mission, as President Hinckley promised in 1999 that we could double them worldwide with a concerted effort. We as a mission will definitely be doing our best to accomplish this task.

While we were walking on the street a few days ago, we ran into a man named Lesme. He was baptized in 1992, moved to Washington a few years ago and lost the church. He did not know where it was or how to find it! We ram into him and he expressed interest in returning. We brought him up to speed on church changes and news, and he wishes to receive the Melchezidek priesthood. We look forward to meeting with him more! 

A minute later as we kept walking, some fat guy leaning over a trash can was like "you boys telling the truth?". Elder Kelly was like "always!". He was like "no! All you need is the Bible. You belong to a cult!" then his bus rolled up at that same time and as he got in he was like "y'all don't know Jesus!" and in a fit of rage elder Kelly yelled "I KNOW HIM WAY BETTER THEN YOU SIR HAVE A GOOD DAY!" I was so proud of him! I was laughing my head off. It was not the most Christ like but it was awesome! 

In my personal studies I have been doing an extensive study of 3 Nephi. I am so in love with it. Especially chapter 17.

Come follow me is awesome too. Please keep doing it! 

I love all of you so much! Have an amazing week!

Elder Burt

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...