3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, November 26, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello All

First a funny story! Every week, I account to the zone leaders about a personal goal that I have for the next week. This last week, my goal was to eat healthier. WELL, IT WAS THANKSGIVING THAT WEEK AND I KINDA FORGOT SO YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW THAT GOAL WENT!!! We ate at the Adamsons home again. They are a super amazing fantastic family! Me and Elder Harris love eating there so much! Sister Adamson put me into a food coma and let me use some of her essential oils to help. I think they helped? At first I thought it was a ponzy scheme every Latter Day saint women buys into but I think they work. I felt much better afterwords!

Thanksgiving morning was an absolute blast. We had a Nerf war with my district. I tell you what, these Nerf Rival guns are absolutely amazing, its like paint balling, but cheaper and more fun! Sister Ballard looks hilarious with my huge gun. She is only 5 feet tall! She kicked butt with it though and was kind of scary. Then, we played some board games with the Elders. The Turkey bowl was too far away for us unfortunately, but we had loads of fun anyway.

Albert, the best recent convert in all of Zion, is doing great! He is still adjusting too the culture of this church. In the Catholic church, you don't participate in discussions like you do here in our church. There you are just kind of preached too. We will be meeting with him tonight again. What a fantastic guy!

Well fam I hope you all did something you loved on Thanksgiving. I am sorry my emails are short lately. Lets just say missionary work is really predictable. Wake up, tract, teach, sleep. So if you ever wonder that I'm doing at any given time, its one of those.


Elder Burt

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