3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, December 3, 2018

Cursed with a ghost???

Hello Everyone!

Well, this week was certainly and interesting one. We visited the Zuccati household. They are a super awesome family, however they have not been to church in awhile. We have been visiting them on a weekly bases to try and make sure the gospel is present in there home. Well, their daughter, tried to curse me with a ghost. I think it was a joke. I will let y'all know if anything comes out of that!

We have really enjoyed teaching Albert the new member lessons. He loved talking about the spirit world with us. He really is the sweetest and greatest guy. Keep praying for him to continue to wax strong in the gospel. We also showed him pictures of lots of temples and stuff. He really enjoyed it. Pray for him!

We have also started teaching a women named Sally. She is very strong in her baptist faith. She was super strong in her faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly father. We actually managed to convince her that a lot of what we are saying is true, and we did it all by quoting from her King James Bible! We will be doing lessons with her starting tomorrow. We will be reading the Book of Mormon!

I hope you all had the opportunity to watch the Christmas devo that our wonderful first Presidency put on last night! That talk from our Prophet almost made me cry. What a great guy! I pray for that child that she will feel comfort and blessed. I'm sure she already is!

Well, I hope light the world is going good for everyone. I certainly enjoy it. Saturdays day of service was great as well. We helped a lot of people put up Christmas lights.

Well everyone! Have an absolutely amazing week! Marry Christmas!

Elder Burt

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