3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, November 19, 2018

Seven Months!

Hello all!

Okay so this last week was pretty freaking amazing! A lot of really big things happened, and it might take a minute for me to write it all down. I am experimenting again with the speech to text thing on my phone, so I hope you liked it the first time because I'm going to keep using it!

First thing is first, this last few day was really really fun. We played Ultimate Frisbee and that is quite the game to help burn off some energy! I had an energy drink beforehand, so I was a total war machine. I was jumping up in the air knocking the frisbee out of the air, it was so much fun.

Tuesday was a giant Zone conference. We had two Zones, the Everett / Snohomish Zone, and the Lynnwood Zone. That's a whole lot of missionaries! It was super fun being able to see them, but sometimes it gives me anxiety. You never know when you might accidentally be breaking some little random rule that you'll get called out for! There's a lot of really cool instruction, but the thing that stuck out the most was this huge change that they are making with dinners. They want to make the finding time it our mission from 5 to 7. This means that anything scheduled within that time has to be cancelled. We thought that meant that they would move member dinners to after 7 or before 5. I was totally fine with this but then they announced that they are just canceling them all period. I really hope they give us a boost on our mission cards. It's going to be really really hard but I'm confident I'll be able to work it out.

We spent a lot of this week preparing Albert to baptized. Meeting with him has been such a blessing, going over to his house is awesome. He always has treats, and drinks for us. He is such a blessing to this world and to us! He loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ he says he feels closer to his greater than ever before. That's exactly what I wanted to hear :-) He was baptized on Saturday at 2 by Elder King. He is huge! Afterwards we went and had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. 

Yesterday on Sunday he was confirmed a member of the church by Elder Harris. It was a super sweet and tender moment the spirit was super strong in that room. Keep praying for him, that his testimony will continue to grow as it already has been. He says the Catholic blood still flows through them, so he will have to overcome some traditions and stuff.

I love you all so much have a wonderful week!

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Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...