3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, November 12, 2018


Hello all!

This week has been very, very, very slow. However, there has been some exciting stuff! Being a district leader, I have the privilege of receiving two new missionaries into my district. One is Elder Haseldon. He has a British accent even though he lived most of his life in America. I also got Sister Northrup, who is in a three-pack companionship, with Sister Ballard and Sister Kannaphus. Elder Haseldon is in the Sultan area with Elder Teel. I am also in charge of the Snohomish Elders, who are The Zone leaders. It has been super fun accounting with them, and talking to them over the phone about missionary work. I also had my first instruction on Friday. I did not have an outline so I kind of had to wing it. Apparently it went really well!

Our best friend Albert, is going to get baptized this week hopefully on Saturday! For someone that has been a Catholic as long as he has, he has really progressed well in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He feels closer to his Savior than ever, and that's what this gospel, and this church is all about. He loves the temples, and can't wait to go inside, and receive the wonderful blessings and endowments from the Lord. 

We have also been teaching a woman named Dodie. Some would call her an "eternigator". And that's cuz she totally is! That's not a bad thing :-). She has a strong testimony of the Divinity of the Book of Mormon, and of the Prophet Joseph Smith. She also loves our current Prophet Russell M Nelson. However due to some personal issues, she has not allowed herself to be baptized yet. She is such a sweet soul, and I hope that as me and Elder Harris continue to drop by and say hi, eventually she will realize that this is the right path for her, and the right path for her salvation.

Well everyone, I probably already told you this a billion times, but that's because super duper duper important! Go to the temple very often. It is a miracle to me that God even gives us the time of day, let alone dedicate beautiful buildings to him. Please, please go and do ordinances for those that have died and are on the other side waiting for them. 

I love you all! 
-Elder Burt

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