3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, November 5, 2018

District Leader!

Hello world and all who inhabit it!

I am going to be a district leader! Uh oh! This is going to be so much fun! I am excited for this. If you have ANY ideas for a good district council, please send them to me. I would really, really appreciate it! These last 6 weeks have been so much fun. I have really enjoyed the members of my district. Elder Bjork and Elder Teel serve in the Sultan ward right next to us. We do P day stuff with them a lot. They are so great!

So Albert has moved his date to 11/17. He wants to make sure he understands everything. Totally understandable! Keep praying for him. He is a great example to me. Albert shows so much faith. He has also given up coffee completely. Very brave and very bold!

I have been really really sick this last week. Halloween is when it really hit. We worked really hard Thursday and it just made it worse. So much to my dismay we had to stay in Saturday and Sunday. The Doctor and my companion made me do it. Such a shame. I feel really guilty about it  I feel kinda like I let God down. Its ok though, I feel a little bit better. Please keep me in your prayers.

Other then that not to much of note happened this week due to my illness. I love you all so much! 

- Elder Burt

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Coming Home!!!

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