3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, December 30, 2019

Merry Christmas!

My Christmas was absolutely amazing! Thank you everyone for all the awesome presents and things I received. I promise if you sent me a gift card it's already spent and have been used for popcorn and clothes.

My favorite gift was the replica of Joseph Smiths ring I received from my mom. What's funny is that I thought I asked for it, but I guess I didn't. What's super awesome is that Mom was prompted by the Spirit to get it for me anyway. It has a black circle on it that represents eternity and the nature of man. 

Our on dates are doing great! We have a kid named Ethan being baptized this weekend which is super awesome. Totally came out of nowhere. I am looking forward to it and am so proud of him for making this decision.

Please pray we will continue to find success!

Love you all!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Smashing Couches!

I know it's not a traditional way to celebrate Christmas, but smashing couches at Habitat for humanity has been a fun and great way to serve!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Raccoon Problems!

Howdy all!

It has been an amazing week! It has also been way totally weird. Elder Swindlehurst saw a nude person which is on par for Seattle. We saw a guy get tazed by 3 cops outside our apartment. Poor guy probably shouldn't have been breaking into apartments.

I had a pretty crazy experience with our alcoholic investigator. We were having a really deep spiritual conversation on the atonement of Jesus Christ and the power it brings. We talked about the cross and ressurection. He asked me what my testimony was. 

I looked him in the eyes, pointed at his half gallon box of wine and said "these chains that are binding you can be completely removed". He cried, and we had to go. Hopefully he will actually remember our convo.

We also have a major raccon problem on our back porch. I drilled one of them from 10 yards with my nerf gun. Hopefully my border control techniques will hold.

Love you all! 

Monday, December 9, 2019

A Wild Week

Howdy everyone!

We had a wild week! We started off Monday night by going by to see a women named rose Okullu. She has an unbaptised son named Barack Obama Okullu. We had a really spiritually intense convo and we cried as we prayed. She struggles so much being a single mom. We had a lesson with him, and put him on date to be baptsied. It was so awesome and unexpected!

Tuesday was pretty cool too. We were walking down the street and a van veered off the road into a driveway. There was a trailer in the middle of the road. Both wheels busted off the rusty old trailer, because he was hauling scrap metal. It was a Russian immigrant who was super nice. We found the wheels like 500 feet in a ditch in front of the wreck. We helped him out as much as we could to get the trailer off the road. He thanked us for helping and said we were sent by God. We gave our card, and told him to call us. We will see what happens!

We also had interviews that day and had the opportunity to personally interview everyone in our district. It was fun. 

I gave a District council on the importance of Temple Covenants. The Spirit was way strong, it was awesome. 

Later in the week, we put a man named Rodney on Date! He randomly texted us saying he wanted to meet, and then we had a sweet lesson with him.

I had a wack exchange with Elder Slack. We stayed up until 2 talking about deep Doctrine, I woke up, drank an energy drink, and we barely survived. It was wild. We tracked a lot, and found a goat that got loose. We tried taming it, but the owner came out and we ran.

It was crazy! It has been so awesome though. I love you all! If you are wondering what to get me for Christmas, I love Old Spice products and socks!

Love you all! 
Have a great week! 

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...