3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, January 20, 2020

A Baptism!

Hey all!

It has been an amazing week! We had the opportunity to see Ethan get baptized this week! It is so cool being able to be part of an amazing conversion process of a young man. He is 14, and picked a good time to be baptzed, that's a rough time of life! It was great to be part of that circle where he received the Holy Ghost. The Spirit was so strong!

I had a fantastic district council about how the Book of Mormon prefigures the second coming almost perfectly from Alma to 3 Nephi, and we went over all the wars and signs and stuff. It was awesome! I greatly enjoy it.

We went down to Seattle to visit Elder Neilson so we could get his signature. Place really looks like a heck hole. So glad I don't have to serve there! I totally love those Elders though.

We had transfers on New Years! I am still Elder Swooshes (Swindlehursts) companion which is great, and I got to see a ton of my favorite Elders. I have Elder Wright in my district! He was Elder Eatoughs companion in Bothell, it's super good to have him!

I am doing awesome!

I hope all of yall have a greta week! 
Love you! 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Super Sick

Sick weekly

We had a pretty annoying week. Tuesday was pretty awesome! We found a really good friend! She has kind of been an investigator for a very long time, however, I guess she never got into the Book of Mormon. She committed to read all of 1 Nephi before Tuesday.

Wednesday I woke up and was super, stupid sick. President Auna insisted I stayed in an instructed district council for me.

Sorry, it's nothing much, but ya, that has essentially been an awful time of waking up and going back to bed. 

I have been doing better though! I hope I can write a better email next week!

Love you all!

Mission update this last week
-Ethan got baptized!
-Met some great people
-We have an amazing district and zone!-The Infinite Atonement is an amazing book-Lots of time to read-Blanket capes
-Me and Elder Swindlehurst have yucky coughs
-Have to get a root canal
-Locked in the apartment for 3 days (hopefully, today is the last day)

Wednesday was by far the worst, as I did not have the energy to even read, but could not sleep due to the pain of the headache. So I simply laid down in my bed, trapped in my brain with my own thoughts. I had a lot of time to reflect on what I so often tell people I believe, and consider if I truly believe it. Does God keep his promises? Does God love us? Was Jesus the son of God?
I pondered this for a while. However, like always, the Spirit confirmed, not loudly, not overtly, but very calmly and quietly, that yes. I am no liar. I know what I say, I mean it, and believe it. Jesus truly loves and saves, even when it's dark, painful, and hard. His light is always there, his word is always kept, and his blessings never cease
Thank you to all the amazing people I have met! So many will be my friends forever, and as I wrap up these last two months of my mission I pray that I will heal quickly, and finish strong!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

From the Washington Everett Misson

Good Afternoon.  Can you believe that your missionary is just weeks away from flying home? Crazy how time flies. 
Would you take a minute & fill in the information below and e-mail it back so arrangements can be made?   ðŸ˜Š 
1.    What Airport would you prefer?  *(OR Indicate if you would like to pick up your missionary). 
2.   Stake President’s name, address & phone number:
3.   Your mailing address & phone number.
 Thank You so much. 

We were so excited to get this email! It means Elder Burt is coming home soon! After I replied with the correct information I got this reply:

Thank You for your info. And Your Welcome, Elder Burt is a great leader with a smile.  He will be missed.

Ryan and I knew that already, but as a parent you love hearing fantastic things about your children!

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...