3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, June 17, 2019

Father's Day and Miracles

Wow what a crazy week! Our friend that randomly showed up to church last week totally dropped us. He got mad at us for using the KJV Bible and said it was embarrassing and that he will never contact us again. Huh. He seems unstable. 

Good news is we met 2 new friends this week! One was while I was on exchanges with Elder Harris and we met him at the park. We have already had 3 lessons with him and he is awesome. He loves the Bible and has genuine concerns, but he also loves the Book of Mormon! And he also doesn't doubt that the Joseph Smith was a prophet. He loves meeting with us and can't wait to see us again tomorrow. 

We have also met a lady named Amber, she is the wife of a less active member, and she said she recently got back into religion. She wants to study and learn with us, and we are both excited to see how it goes. 

We have been working really hard trying to build up the area again! A lot of knocking doors and doing everything we can to regain the wards trust from the last missionaries. 

Overall things have been great! Please continue to pray for us. Also thank you Dad for being so awesome. I love you, drive safe and keep being great!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Hollywood Hill

Well on Wednesday I got transfered to....Hollywood Hill, and I took the glorious minivan with me. I also got a new companion, Elder Hemenway, and he is awesome. He has only been out a few months and is ready to go out and work.
Image result for porter rockwell

At church yesterday, we were sitting in Elders Quorum and there was a guy who walked in and looks identical to Porter Rockwell. He had a sweet beard and long hair. He introduced himself and said he was a Lutheran, and so we went and introduced ourselves and set up a return appointment to see him.

We were also knocking on doors and a Healthcare worker answered and spoke barely any English the convo was like

"I love Jesus"

"Awesome, do you want this Book about Jesus?"

"Yes very good very good"

And then she shut the door. 

I am looking forward to this wonderful transfer. Have a great week! 

Monday, June 3, 2019

RIP The Wyoming Man

This last week with Elder Hewitt and Kelly was pretty amazing. We had a lot of fun experiences. We tracted into a women named Madin from Micronisa. Her Dad is a convert and she really wants to be baptized! It is a total miracle.

Elder Hewitt was a total deer in the headlights. He didn't really comprehend what was going on. It was kind of funny to be totally honest. We worked hard, and I am going to miss him. 

We also found a man named Alec. He grew up Baptist but strayed away from his faith. He is really excited to continue meeting with us and read the Book of Mormon. 

I am also getting transferred! It has been really fun being here in Kenmore and I am excited for the next chapter of my mission!

Love you all! 

Elder Burt



See ya Elder Hewitt!

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...