3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. I will have served my mission for 1 year and 359 days. Close enough right?

I could tell you about my many spiritual experiences, the absolute greatest and best friends I have made, and I could tell you about how beautiful this place is.

I can tell you that on our own time. What I feel I need to say is what I have learned.

I for awhile was long in the dark. I relied a lot on my own ability to reason, and logically make decisions myself. I thought I knew everything. That I knew better. This frankly, made me absolutely miserable on the inside. Sure, I could put on a face. But in 2017, I decided to make small, little steps to come back to God. Baptizing my little Brother was a huge step. Being called on a mission, and make sacred Covenants in the Temple, solidified who I needed to be.

You can ask my trainer Brett Conk, I did not know up from down, left from right, or the Old from the New Testament. However, he was patient, and taught me what it really means to be a missionary.

You can ask anyone that served around me. Yes, I never really did master dignified language, I never perfected being obedient (tried as I might), I never truly was as good of a leader as I could have been.

But I did learn what God needed me to know. Jesus Christ is the Beginning, the End, and everything Inbetween. He is a God, and my savior and redeemer. It is through his Grace, infinite and eternal, that I can return to my Fathers throne and be counted worthy to dwell with my heavenly, and earthly parents. It is only through him and by him mankind may be saved. Obedience to his Gospel must be our top priority, as it is that eternal truth that brings happiness.

Thank you all so much. I Love all of you.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Going to the Temple!

Howdy world!

Second to last email. Wow this has been absolutely crazy. These last 2 years have been the absolute greatest thing for my life. I am definitely a way different man. I'm not saying it was enjoyable, but it was definitely amazing. If that makes sense.

I started off the week going on an exchange with Elder Olson. We went to the Tesla vehicle dealership! The guys there were super cool but did not want a Book of Mormon. We got to chill in the Model S, which is clearly the greatest vehicle on the planet. Elder Olson is a total stud, he rocks! We may have stayed up until 2 o'clock.

Wednesday we had a super spiritual district council about not being content. We talked about how Abraham was not content, and how he showed the character traits required to be exalted. It was awesome. 

Thursday was zone conference, and I was able to see so many of my best friends. Elder Harris, Sister Ballard, and so many other amazing people. I was able to bear my testimony for the last time in a zone conference. It was nice, and everyone said I am really good at "Hellfire and Brimstone". Lookout home ward!

Friday was cool, I was able to go to the Temple and it was great. We did Sealings and Endowment. It was great. We had another Lesson with Barbara which was awesome!

Saturday was great, we watched the Restoration with Barbara, and she got popcorn and chips. We met with the Olsons again, and they always provide super awesome insight on the Gospel.

Sunday we had missionary church which was great, they canceled normal church due to Coronavirus. So all the missionaries got together and we bore our testimonies. Sister Mounts and Sister Flake brought a friend!

Today we did a nerf gun 3 gun course which was dope, can't wait to do it IRL.

Love you all! I'll see yall in a few weeks! 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Angels Knocking Down My Door

Howdy All!

Had a super fun week. I started off on exchanges with the Lynnwood Spanish Elders, Meador and Williams. They totally rock and we had tons of fun. I went to Zumiez, and although they heavily market to weed users, their socks selection is unbeatable. It was fun. I also almost spent 30 dollars at bath and body's works (the men's products, they were but 3 get 3 free) but Meador reasoned me out of it.

We had tons of fun. Lots of laughs for sure. The next morning we went to Seattle for my root canal. It is nuts down there. We had a good time though as I was not nearly as high. Elder Meador's mom paid for dickeys and Pizza. What a stud. It was an awesome exchange. 

Wednesday was OK. I gave a District council on teaching skills. Ammon is really a great example to all of us, and in not just talking about melee combat. He is a great teacher.

Thursday we went to Habitat for humanity. Tons of missionaries were there. The Spanish Elders and YSA. We smashed more couches. The safety was questionable. We also went to panda express. We taught Barbara, and she somehow got on the topic of me going home. She tried giving me dating advice but I explained to her that it would not work. Dating in the 21st century is designed to be bland and sexual, not romantic and meaningful. She is depressed by that news and I told her it will work out, I'm sure an angel from heaven will just show up at my door, right?

We answered tons of questions she had and seems to be in Love with the Gospel. She loves the Presidents of the Church, and the Book of Mormon. She even said her relationship with Christ is growing!

Saturday we had a lesson with some of my favorite members. The Wildings. They totally rock and give me hope that good young people do exist. We had a lesson with Olson's as well, and they are great. They definitely give me a new perspective of everything. 

Pray for me. Love you all! 

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...