3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, August 26, 2019


Hello everyone!

We had a great week this week. We had tons of interviews on Wednesday. My testimony of President Auna is so strong! He is so inspired. He also loves quoting the Doctrine and Covenants, which is the same as me. I love Doctrine and Covenants! Everyone needs to read it.

He told me that I am double pregnant. I am training 2 new missionaries on Wednesday. One of them is waiting on his visa. I am so excited! I am getting transferred as well which will be so awesome. I have loved it in Bothell! But I think I'm ready to go. I am off to be a dad.

We had a huge training meeting on Friday which was fun. We had a great day Saturday morning where we went to 21 acres and we had great fun... weeding.

Pray that everything will go well! 

Love you all! 

Monday, August 19, 2019


What a good week! Tuesday we spent all morning with Brother Kearsley, who is a less active member. He is super awesome and we did service for him a few weeks ago! It is was fun. We also picked like hundreds of plums.

Wednesday I went on exchanges WITH Elder Hansen. He is a great Elder. However, I did not eat or drink anything until 2:00, when I promptly carb loaded and drank to much water. It put my body into some kind of shock! Whoops. I managed to hand out a Book of Mormon though! We worked super hard and had a great lesson with a guy named Berry. 

Friday we had 21 acres in the morning where I promptly went to war with black berry's. It is my favorite hobby.

Saturday I went on exchanges with Elder Garbett. We went to Woodinville days, and the first guy to talk to us was like "you have some nerve coming and proselyting here" and we were like "thank you!". We tried bringing a sign and we got kicked out immediately, so we handed out pass along cards to people that drive McLarens and Lamborghini. it was awesome! We helped someone move their stand, and we got free chocolate out of it. It was a great exchange! 

Have a great week everyone!


Monday, August 12, 2019

Chopping Wood

Well, this week was fun. We went to a much needed Red Robin dinner on Tuesday which tasted great. Then we went out and worked our butts off the rest of the week! We did not find anyone new to teach however. We have some interesting responses to our approach

"Hello! Would you like this picture of Jesus! It fits right in your wallet and a great reminder of your Savior!"

"No, I'm already Christian."


No joke that is always the response. The answer doesn't seem to line up with the question? We are so confused. 

We chopped wood for some members in our ward which was nice! Elder Hemenway felt pretty proud. We also did a lot of service this week in the way of helping people move. 

In the North Creek ward, there was a Baptism for a guy named Josh. He saw a coworker help someone out, and decided that he wanted to be a member of the church. Took the discussions, now reads the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants daily. What a great example for the rest of us! 

Have a great week yall! 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Red Dawn

Well, the title should explain a little of the drama in the zone right now. I don't want to go into detail, but let's just say we have had to do a lot of babysitting with just one companionship. 

We have had a stellar week however! We had MLC which is always a spiritual Roller Coaster. I was able to bare my testimony in front of the MLC. It was super fun. President Auna was very Spirit filled. I straight up cried being filled with the Spirit. It was awesome.

Me and Elder Eatough had an absolutely amazing exchange. It was a simply sacred experience. I can't even put it into email, but my view of the Atonement has been fixed into my soul. My testimony has increased. I will definitely be talking about it in my homecoming talk in a few months.

I love you all. I would recommend reading D&C 86.

Love you all! 

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...