3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, July 23, 2018

"Feeling Amazing"


This week has been great! We have a new investigator! Raul is a great guy. His whole family is baptized members of the church, and he never was baptized. He describes how they feel so awesome actually coming to church and "feeling amazing". Of course we all know exactly what he was feeling. We were with Brother Hudson (our ward mission leader) and he had a very good time baring his testimony to Raul. I helped break down the way God works through prophets, and it really helped him understand how we could believe in Joseph Smiths prophetic calling. The Spirit was very strong in the room, and I am looking forward to meeting with him again this Saturday.

Deloris is still on date for July 28th, although we might talk to her about pushing it back a little bit, just to give her more time to make sure she is ready. She shares a lot of doctrinal ideas on facebook, both from the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and she gets a ton of anti Mormon misinformation from people. She doesn't bug into any of it though (neither do I) and she is staying strong. I continue to pray for her

Me and my companion are getting along very well! We struggled a little at first but we get along great and are awesome when we teach together. Elder Ericksen is super awesome and I am glad I can be companions with him.

I am really developing a love for cars out here! The Malibu we drive is super rad. The Malibu we drive is super huge too. It's a freaking land yaught! It also has a turbo, and we may or may not have raced a guy in his dinky 4 cylinder and smoked him.

While we were driving one time to dinner, a guy started yelling at us at a light. He was asking us for a Book of Mormon! I threw it like a Frisbee and it landed perfectly in his car! Talk about planting seeds!

The food has been especially awesome lately! We have been helping out and eating at the Pedigos a lot. They have 2 houses right next to each other. The senior Pedigos are super awesome and spiritual, and the younger Pedigos have a pickle ball court. We go there every morning to play pickle ball for our morning workouts. Great family!

I myself have been doing a lot better. I have been struggling a little bit with feelings of inadequacy and it has been rough. I feel like I never do enough. But I have to remember I am far from perfect and God understands that. As long as I do what I can and I bring people closer to Christ, I have done my job.

I can't express how grateful I am for the packages I have received from people. I love them and cherish them so so much. It really does make my day. 

I love and I pray for all of you!

Elder Burt
Elder Burt sent us this picture of him and his mini me buddy in the ward! How cute is that? I mean seriously!

Elder Burt and Elder Erickson

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Coming Home!!!

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