3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, July 30, 2018

Wyoming is the most under-rated state ever!

      A nice older lady asked the Elders to take some pictures with her pet rabbits. As you can see they were happy to help out!

Hello Everyone!

I have a lot to talk about this last week. So first of all Elder Ericksen got transferred! That was quick! He was awesome and I will miss him! My new companion is Elder Hewitt. He is a freaking stud! We get along super well and he loves working hard! We talk a lot and often about the gospel and we have already found loads of investigators and worked very very hard these last few days! He is also from Wyoming which is the most underrated state ever!

So unfortunately Deloris dropped us. She has decided to stay non denominational. It is a shame because she knows that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was called of God to be his prophet and restore Christ's church. It is her decision and agency to choose what she does.

Luckily for us we have loads of new people to talk about! So we have Michelle, who has had a lot of very sad and tragic things happen in the past to her. She admits that she is still looking for God and thinks God might have sent her to us.

We also have a women named Toni. She is also interested in the Book of Mormon or as she calls it "A Mormon Bible" and says she is super interested in what we have to share. She is an Older lady so we will meet with her on Tuesday with Brother Pedigo.

Then we have Craig. We don't know much about him. He lives on casino road, and admits to have had drug issues in the past that fried his mind. He is looking for a change and was very happy when we gave him a Book of Mormon.

I am so happy for all of the fun and progress me and Elder Hewitt have had. I am looking forward to another awesome week! Something I would recommend everyone to do is look into the Joseph Smith papers project. It is a project to find everything that Joseph Smith ever wrote and compile it. The church has an awesome series on it and you should all watch it!

Love ya all! 

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