3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Malleyboat

Hello everyone!

Another fantastic and super busy week here in Viewridge! I love this ward so much! It is full of wonderful amazing people. They have really helped me stay comfortable and feel needed and wanted and useful. It feels like my second homeward. Transfers are soon so I hope I stay just one more transfer. I have a great sense of thanks and respect for the people here.

As far as investigators go this week, we still have the same ones! We have Gunnar who is 12, Michelle, and Raul. Gunnar still very much wants to be baptized and bore his testimony in sacrament meeting. It was simple and powerful. I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach him and talk with him. We are meeting with Michelle tomorrow night and are going to discuss the plan of salvation with her. She seems open so we are both excited. We will also be teaching with John Pedigo again who is a spiritual powerhouse. Raul's wife got sick and we couldn't have a lesson with him, however we were able to drop off a big Book of Mormon to him so he can read it. Excited to report on that!

Me and Elder Hewitt are getting along great! We love our car which we have nicknamed the Malleyboat, and we are extremely grateful for it. It allows us to do missionary work far quicker than before and has helped us find many people who are now potential investigators. I am so thankful for Elder Hewitt's desire to work hard. It is awesome and keeps us spiritually focused on our purpose.

This week I encourage all of you to read 2 Nephi start to finish. I I have learned so much from just reading it this past week. Instead of trying to read it as fast as I can, I have been reading it with the intent to actually learn what it means . This means that I might only read a few verses a day because of how dense and packed it is of doctrine . However I'm getting far more out of it than I would otherwise .

Love you all!

Elder Burt

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