3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, August 20, 2018


Hello everyone!

This week was kind of slow, but we saw a lot of awesome things happen! For one  our golden investigator, Michelle, is progressing super soundly in the gospel! We walk into our lesson and some awesome Miracles happened. Her only real concern was with the Trinity. She was concerned that in the Bible it says put no other gods before me. But how can there be three separate beings if the Commandment is worded like that? So in Genesis 1:26, it says "let's make men in our image" and she was astonished. Then she said she is seriously considering joining! I love her and hope to continue to meet with her!

I have been loving this wonderful mission! What is great about a mission is some of the funny stories you have! Last Tuesday for a service project we were out on a community farm plot weeding the tomato plants. It was quite serene and peaceful. We were surrounded by open plains and trees and you could see houses out in the distance. It was something out of one of those paintings you see in Deseret Book.

We decided to just randomly start walking to the train tracks in the distance. Lunch was in 40 minutes, and when we started walking, we didn't realize the grass was at least 5ft high! The hay was so tall we tripped on the grass, but it was so soft we just liked lying there! Then the bugs found us and started eating us alive so we made a run for the train tracks. Unfortunately we both fell in ditches! Luckily we dried off quick and all of our clothes are fine. When we got to the train tracks we found a bunch of engravings! They were pretty inappropriate hahaha. We made sure to leave a picture of Jesus there!

It is ok to have little adventures here and there, especially considering we have been working super hard! We have loved this ward and have been building a great relationship with them. I love this Ward so much and I am so happy I have been able to spend the first five months of my mission here. They feel like my home Ward! I have grown so close to all of the ward members. We have especially loved John Pedigo. He used to be a Stake President and is ultra knowledgeable and spiritual. We had the wonderful privilege of having dinner with him and his wife last night. We talked about guns, the gospel, and everything in between!

Have a wonderful week. 

Love all of you! 
Elder Burt

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