3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, April 1, 2019

On Date and Organic


Last P day was super fun, we went and grilled with the zone which was super fun. We used a cabana, and we are low key cabana hopping. I made a mammoth burger which was super tasty but took 5ever to cook. It was a super good time.

After that I went on exchanges with the Woodinville Elders. It was a pretty wild. First Elder Eatoughs bike friken exploded so we played soccer mom and drove them around, then we went to a hippe Democrat run farm and pulled weeds for them. I guess Jesus did say "Do good for them that despitefully use you". Then while we were filling up the car, some guy came up and started getting really mad at us. He was like "So you believe you can become like God huh?". I immediately started doing everything I could to be nice. I gave up my Bible bashing days despite how fun it is.

I tried to end it with "Hey listen man, I know we disagree on a lot, but you are Christian, I am Christian, let's just leave it at that and go our separate ways." He then started yelling at us and telling us we were members of a cult. Elder Tracy who I was in exchanges with handled himself really calm and cool. I started getting super mad though, and lost my temper. I was like."Just shut up and get in your truck and drive away! Don't you have something better to do! I wanna go in and buy a drink"

I mean I feel a little bad but I will feel more bad later. Later that week Elder Hewitt and Wilde also got in a huge bash with him for like an hour and a half. 

Good news though! Shannon, our friend is on date to be baptized may 4th. She is like seriously so freaking amazing! Can't wait for that, that will be super awesome. 

I have been doing really good! 


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Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...