3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, February 17, 2020

Flying Metal Plungers

Hello World!

Super good news. Elder Swindlehurst and I are still together kicking Butt! We had a few awesome lessons this last week. We had two with Barbara, where we talked about Joseph Smith and some of the things he did that where """""sketchy""""" (Oh no he looked in a hat!! Oh no he practiced polygamy?!!! ðŸ˜¥ðŸ˜¥ðŸ˜¥ What a bunch of baby's) and she said it all makes sense. She totally rocks and takes the title of Grandma. She demanded I come visit her with a pretty wife. I will try and meet those demands.

We also taught Anila, a Catholic refugee from Iran. She loves our gospel, especially as she is confused with the heretical Doctrine of the Trinty. We explained the truth. She likes it.

We had fun going to exchanges and seeing everyone. Elder Lowry is still kicking it! First thing he did is throw a metal plunger at me which was hype. Seeing Elder Eatough for probably the last time makes me weep.

We are still working hard at Habitat! Pray that we will continue to grind and work hard.

Love you! 

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Coming Home!!!

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