3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, February 24, 2020

Jimmy and Knee-C

Hey Everyone!

Tuesday this week was annoying, I finished my plan which is an absolute atrocity of a program designed to make you as trunky as possible. I am considering contacting the UN and filling it as a human rights violation.

The flip side of that is we had 2 awesome lessons. We had one with Barbra again and showed her the Rome Italy temple tour. She teared up and knew it was a sacred space. It was super awesome and she is trying to gain a testimony.

We had a lesson with our friend Allison and showed her the same video and it went super good. She had tons of questions and requested we talk about the afterlife next time. 

Wednesday I had a super fun instruction on symbolism in the Scriptures. We had two new members in our District! Elder and Sister Fiske who are senior couple missionaries. They totally rock.

Thursday I was on exchanges with my zone leader Elder Ashton. He is like super straight laced so I was pretty on guard. Heaven forbid I say heck or something. He is a great guy though so it's alright. 

Friday we had a lesson with our favorite members, Vivian, Jimmy and Knee-C. Knee-C actually isn't a member yet, we are working on it. They are black and come from a rough neighborhood so they have the best stories. One of them blew up an RV one time. Long story. 

Saturday we had the Macho chef ward party. We gorged ourselves on Food, and Rodney and Barbara were there! That Sunday Barbra came to church. 

Its been a great week. Renew your Temple Recommends and go to the Temple ASAP. The Restoration is here, and if you don't get on the train now, it will leave the station without you. 

Love you! 

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