3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, October 15, 2018

Loving the Mission & My Ward!

Hello all!

Loving the mission and my ward! The ward absolutely loved General Conference. They were all very receptive to the messages. I would highly, highly encourage all of you to go re listen to the talks now that they are available on LDS media and Gospel library.

A lot of funny things happened this week. Saturday was a service day, we chopped a lot of wood at a Catholic lady's house and she was very happy about it. Later we went to a less active lady's house to do some yard work and move concrete. We found a worm under a lawnmower. Well everyone surrounded me and made me eat it! Peer pressure is real. There is a video that I will get out asap.

We also did service at the food bank. What was fun is that I got 3 cartons of eggnog! I am a nogaholic now. I need to go to nogaholics anonymous. I have been clean for 3 minutes. 

The work is rolling on in Woods Creek. Unfortunately we did not find any new investigators this week, which is always a shame. However Albert has been great, and is not going to be Catholic for much longer! Thank goodness. He is probably getting baptized on the 3rd or 10th. He is basically a freeze dried member. Just add water! He still feeds us donuts and stuff when we come over, he is so kind. He is going to be one of the best members of the Church when he is baptized.

We had a Zone Conference this week as well. Very educational and talked a lot about the Spirit. I think there is a misconception within the Church that what we deem as "Primary answers" are not intelligent, and you should not say them as an answer to a question. I highly, highly disagree with this. Prayer and scripture study has brought me great joy. I have been praying a lot lately for things, and I am sure I will get my answer soon.

I love and appreciate your prayers for me. The Lord hears every one of them. Please, continue to put the names of those you love on the temple prayer roll. Everyone needs those blessings that come from the temple.

I love all y'all!

Elder Burt

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