3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, October 29, 2018

Mountain Dew & Donuts

Hello all!

This week has been amazing and I'm sure I start just about every email that way. That's cuz it's true every single time! I am loving the mission. I probably don't even need to say that. I bet you can probably guess what the rest of my email is going to look like based off of the consistency of great things happening. I am also trying riding my email with my voice, so if any words are misspelled, or come out the wrong way, it's because of my phone not because of me!

Our best friend, Albert, is doing absolutely amazing! As I stated last week he is currently on the Glorious road to baptism. He is set to be baptized this Saturday. I am lucky enough to be one of the witnesses. I am so grateful to come to this area and to teach such an elect and wonderful man. He is kind of like our Grandpa. Every time we go over he has Mountain Dew and donuts for us. But that is not why we go over! That is just a bonus.

In this Mission we have a challenge to teach 20 lessons in a week. I have not yet achieved this goal until now! We were barely by the skin of our teeth able to teach 20 genuine good lessons too many different people. We also found a new friend! His name is John. We went to a neighborhood that is infamous in our area for bashing with people. He pointed out that in the Book of Revelations, it says that you should not add to this book. We kindly pointed out that is specifically talking about the Book of Revelations. We had a very good cordial conversation and he invited us back.

Every Friday, and I'm sorry if I haven't mentioned this before, we do service at the food bank. It is an amazing opportunity to help people who are in need of help, and practice the Christian lifestyle that we ask so many other people to live. I am so grateful for that wonderful opportunity.

There's something that has been on my mind a lot this week. I am slowly realizing that the Book of Mormon is not emphasized as much as it should be. It is an amazing book obviously, and it is another Testament of Jesus Christ. Please continue to read it and if you haven't, start.

Please pray that all of our friends will be able to make it to their baptism and that the friends that we are currently teaching will also be able to make it.

Side note, this morning we taught a lesson to our friend even though it's p-day. He is a theology major and he is very well learn it in the ways of the Bible. He is only in his early twenties. We had an amazing conversation about the Bible. We look forward to having more conversations with them.

I love you all so much! Have a great week! 

Elder Burt

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