3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, October 8, 2018

WOW! What an Amazing Conference!

Hello Everyone!

I absolutely adore our Prophet! It seems that the Lord is rebuking His church, just like He did in the days of Moses. Thank goodness! We are all flawed and imperfect, and we need to be told that!

The Lord knows how to lead His Church people! President Nelson didn't decide this, this is from the big man himself! We should all find ourselves to know that as truth, and then follow Him! The Lord is perfect and knows what He is doing with His kingdom. I encourage all of you to re-listen and watch these talks these next 6 months. They will strengthen you. They are literal scripture. Please take them very seriously and with reverence.

Our area is doing super awesome! Our best friend Albert watched all 4 sessions! He already talks like a member. He says we are De-Catholicity him and after 60 something years of being Catholic he is ready to leave. He loves President Nelson! He went to Safe Co a few weeks ago and saw him. He loved it. Please pray for him to be able to make it to his baptismal date on November 3rd. He is also super excited about the Temples that are being built and plans on going to Conference next time down in Temple Square. He is retired and has tons of money to spend!

Me and Elder Harris are doing good. We get along pretty well. Training him has been really fun! We have pretty similar interests and likes and stuff. However me and him both have a long way to go. Please pray for us to continue to work hard in this area and grow as a companionship.

Funny story this week! So we have a bunk bed that we sleep on, and I keep waking up in the middle of the night and falling off it! One time I fell off right onto my dresser! I am defiantly gonna be more careful from now on about how I sleep! 

Unfortunately this week we had something really sad happen. We have a former investigator named Marvin. He used to be in prison for a while for drug smuggling and stuff. We stopped teaching him because he left a bunch of voice mails swearing at us and saying the Book of Mormon is a cheap knock off of the Bible. Last night he left voicemails saying he is going to commit suicide. He has threatened that before, and we let President know. He is homeless and we don't know where he lives now. Pray for him please.

God lives and knows our struggles. All of our struggles. He can relate to them. Please don't ever forget that no matter what situation you are in.

I love you all! Have a wonderful week!

Elder Burt

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