3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, October 22, 2018

Seven Months!


I have been filled by the Holy Spirit all week! Me and Elder Harris have preached with much boldness in the Gentile land of Woods Creek. We have given many books of scripture away to those that are receptive to our message. We will be checking back with them this week! We testified boldly of the truthfulness of the lord Jesus Christ and His restored gospel on this earth today. We have taught a brand new man by the name of Brian. He loves what we have talked with him about so far. We got him reading the Book of Mormon and we will be talking with him about the plan of salvation next Saturday. He has been going through rough times lately, and I know the Lord will help him.

Thank the Lord God almighty! I had my first Baptism! Michelle is already one of the most solid members of the Church. We drove down to Everett to witness it. I was the first witness. An amazing experience, even if the picture does look dorky. Her son got up and bore a wonderful testimony. Keep in mind he is 7. "Hello, I felt like I should give a speech. You can call me James the Brother, or James Jesus Beliver. My uncle died from drinking to much firewater, and I know because of Jesus I will see him again. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen". WOW! He is filled with the Holy Ghost! God bless him! 

Our best friend Albert is doing amazing as well. He will be leaving the apostate fallen Catholic church and joining the true restored church on November 3rd! He loves it. He still reads the Book of Mormon and prays. He is very rich, but he is humble personally. Pray that he will make it to the holy waters of baptism.

The wonderful members the Hernadines took us to a Mongolian grill called Hot Iron. You basically load up a plate with whatever you want, they through it on a giant iron, cook it, and eat it! I got fatty bacon, beef, and noodles! Amazing.

This week I want all of you to work on your prayers. Please think about this. If you woke up tomorrow and the only things you had where they things you were grateful for, what would you have? Pray also for the Brethren families. We pray oft for the Elders, but they rarely see their families. Pray for their safety and protection.

I love you all! GO TO THE TEMPLE!

-E Burt

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