3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, January 28, 2019

I Went to Mexico!

Sorry my email is coming late tonight!

What a crazy week! First of all, I went on exchanges with Elder Ashton. He is from Utah, and is serving in the Spanish Branch. He is very motivated. He loved serving in English, so we went and tracted! A lot! I genuinely enjoy it, and so does he. We were tracting and we tracted into a women. We asked if she was Christian. She said she was. I asked "Have you read your Bible today?" she said "No". Almost out of instinct, and without thinking, I said "well you should do that!". Wow. I could not believe what I just did. Elder Ashton got us out of there. It was honestly pretty funny!

Later that week, I went on exchanges to Spanish land. Elder Ashton went to Woods Creek, and I went to Mexico with Elder King and Elder Martinez. That Saturday we went to Andrew and Cadence Millers baptism. It was a tender and amazing experience. The only person left in the family to be baptized is Mickey. I looked at him and said "your next" jokingly at the baptism. So excited for that family.

It was a pretty amazing exchange, we then went to a baptism in the Spanish Branch. It was also amazing. The satisfaction of watching someone make that step towards Christ, is very hard to describe. It is amazing. 

Watching the conformation the next day was equally amazing. Albert was reminded of when he received the Holy Ghost. He talked about it with us later and he is so grateful for that gift. 

What a week! We also have transfers on Wednesday. Me and Elder Lowry are staying, however my district is changing quite a lot! I will keep you all up to date next week.


Love you! 
Elder Burt

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Who Does Cameron Miss the Most?

By far the dog, Rex and then Spencer is second. Every week he sends me pictures of him holding dogs and asks for pictures and videos of Rex. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

10 Months!

Elder Burt has been gone for 10 months! In some ways it has flown by and in other ways it has crawled by! We miss him but are really proud of his hard work and are happy he is having so many wonderful experiences. Here is what he said this week:

Wow what a week!

First thing that happened this week was we went tracting in the boonies of our area. It was an interesting experience. We knocked on a door and an old man answered. He claimed he was a Jewish rabbi and helped crucify Jesus. That's a pretty bold claim! He was clearly crazy. 

Then on Wednesday, we moved giant logs for Brother Grant. Man that was tiring. We had to individually throw them over the fence. Then we had to pick them up and throw them in the trailer. Not easy!

We went tracting in the middle of the night in the woods. I felt prompted to knock on this little shack. The man inside was not interested. However, his neighbor was! She wants to meet with us and discuss more about the Gospel.

Friday was Zone Conference and interviews. They also had me do my district council. It was pretty fun instructing. Interviews were awesome, President Wilding is a super awesome guy. He is truly like a father to me. 

Saturday was fun. We tracted a whole neighborhood previously unknown to missionary's. We knocked on a door and a man with a kick butt mustache answered. He had a browning 30 cal machine gun on his table. I pointed out how that was designed by a member of the Church! We got talking about guns which was awesome, and then we read from the Book of Mormon to him. He loved it and wants us to come back.

Andrew is getting baptized this Saturday! I am so excited for that. What a blessing.

Have a great week! 

Elder Burt

Monday, January 14, 2019

Stake Conference

Hello all!

What a good week! First of all, yesterday was Stake Conference. Our mission president, President Wilding spoke, along with Elder LeGrand Curtis of the Seventy. They both gave great talks, and made me want to aspire to be a Temple Monk even more.

As far as missionary work has gone, me and Elder Lowry being sick has slown things down a little bit. But that's ok! We still found a person to teach. His name is Alan, and we will be meeting with him tomorrow.

Our friend Andrew, who is the husband of a member is getting baptized on the 26th! That will be super AWESOME. I'm super happy I get to play a small role in their eternal family. Please pray he will make it to church next week.

We also did service at the Food Bank again. Idk if I talked about it at all in my emails, but we go each week and help people get their huge boxes of food to their car.

It's been pretty good around here in Woods Creek. Just keep praying for me and Elder Lowry. 

Have a wonderful week all! Watch the Rome open house! It's super awesome! 

- Elder Burt

Monday, January 7, 2019

Another Week in Woods Creek

Hello All!

Another week in Woods Creek. New years was pretty fun! I broke out the Nerf guns and we went to the church building. The Sultan Elders and the Snohomish Zone leaders came. We did a crazy 2v2v2 throughout the whole building. We felt like a seal team. It was pretty fun! Then we went to the sultan apartment and played the Organ trail card game. I died of dysentery. That was a real shame.
While on exchanges with Elder Skirvin, we went to a Baptism in the View Ridge ward. The person being baptized was someone I tracted into a few weeks before I left. See! Tracting does work! It was super awesome seeing a whole family enter the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a tender experience. Me and Elder Skirvin taught the restoration there as well. It was fun!

Other then that not much has happened. I will let you all know though!

Love you all!
Elder Burt

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...