3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, March 25, 2019

Exchanges and Errands

Hello all

This week has been pretty tough. Last P day was fun though. We were able to play soccer and stuff outside in the sun which was nice. Me and Elder Hewitt have had fun reminiscing our time in Viewridge. I love that man!

Tuesday night I went in exchanges with Elder Lee. That man is hilarious. We get along super duper well and got tons of work done. We just started randomly walking by the spirit and talked to tons of people. We had lunch with the Russian sisters at a pizza place where we got free pizza and that was nice. We got out of a lesson and we were super bummed to re-exchange. We had a lesson with our friend Shannon. She is SO awesome! She came to church last Sunday as well. She is the sweetest most amazing person alive and plans on being baptized soon.

Thursday was pretty trash. We went and ran errands for the mission. That meant going down to Seattle. I thought I would like it and I am glad I don't have to serve down there. Basically reference Bible dictionary "Gomorrah" for more details. 

Saturday was better though. We were able to actually get out and do missionary work. We were able to find a new friend named Frank and he seemed pretty excited to talk with us! 

I love you all. Thank you for your prayers.

Elder Burt

Monday, March 18, 2019

New Area!

Hello all!

WOW what a week! My last few days with Elder Lowry were pretty awesome. We had fun saying goodbye to everyone. I am definitely going to miss woods creek, easily one of the greatest wards I have ever served in. I hope the next missionaries carry on the torch and make it super awesome! We were working with a ton of people, hopefully they will make it to baptism and on to the temple!

Our recent converts in Woods Creek are doing awesome to! Albert continues to be a total legend. He is super happy about the Temple in Rome! He used to be a super hardcore Catholic and is happy to see that the Restored and True Church of Jesus Christ is back in town! 

On Wednesday I became with companions with Elder Kelly. He also served in Woods Creek a while ago! He only has 4 months left, and we are both excited to help the Kenmore ward grow. We have a few people on date for baptism, however we might have to move some stuff around.

I have started reading Jesus The Christ this week. What an inspired book. It has really helped me come closer and get a better understanding of the Saviors ministry on this earth. When reading in conjunction with Come Follow Me it becomes a really revelatory experience. 

I hope you are all enjoying Come Follow Me! It truly is inspired and next weeks is totally awesome!

By next week I should have some pictures for y'all!


- Elder Burt

(Note: Last year when they closed one of the WA missions the area Elder Burt is in now became part of the Everett mission. He is in a suburb of Seattle now, very different from Monroe! I'm excited to hear about the new experiences he has here!) The red pin is not where he is, that is where the mission home is. 

Monday, March 11, 2019


Well what a week!

We started off with me going on exchanges to Spanish with Elder Wheeler and Elder Martinez. They are so funny! They are very hard working Elders and it was fun sitting in lessons and being super confused as to what was going on. We also burned a shirt to symbolize me being a year old, but that never happened.

That next morning the Zone Leaders surprised me by saying I had to go some super lame meeting. Well, it was just that, super lame. However Hermana Chartier was there, so that was fun! I had not really seen her since the plane. I also met Sister Lowry, who is Elder Lowrys cousin. President gave some really good instruction on prayer, which is always needed.

Later on, due to super complicated reasons I can't go into I was with Elder Ashton and Elder Lowry at once while Elder Wheeler and Martinez were in Spanish Land. Well it was late at night so the three of us decided to go to the Monroe Elders apartment and totally raid it. It was fun! We moved their beds and totally rekt their apartment. Pretty funny! They got revenge on Spanish later.

As far as our investigators go they are doing pretty OK. We met with Brian again. He is so darn solid but dang it he has a hard time setting up stable lessons.

The good news/ bad news is that we are getting pink washed. We are going to be both transferred out of this area and replaced with sisters! Sisters can definitely do a lot of things Elders can't so I'm excited to see how this wonderful area does!

Thank you all for supporting me! Do not send any mail and packages until next week due to transfers!


Elder Burt

Monday, March 4, 2019

Dead Rats in a Double Wide

Hello all!

What a week! P day we went to Steven's pass with the Spanish elders which was awesome. We then went to the Lego store and messed around. We also had another lesson with Shirley that night which is awesome. We are continuing to help her overcome her cigarette addiction. She is coming along very well!

District council was super fun. We instructed on a lot of fun subjects, like the premortal life and how to be better at contacting. If I'm going to be perfectly honest, most missionarys do not know how to effectively contact. I helped them show that you need to be excited about your message, and that you need to be theologically invested in the message to be effective.

We unfortunately did not have many lessons last week, however we did find three new investigators in one day! Hopefully we will be able to teach them when they keep their return appointment.

We had another awesome lesson with Brian however. It did not last long but we were just checking in with him. We don't get to teach him very often, but I'm sure we could get him baptized sooner if his schedule permitted. 

We helped our member Chris Canfield move back into his double wide trailer. Poor guy had to live in the streets for awhile. The trailer was some of the worst living conditions I have ever seen. Dead rats and rat poop everywhere. Poor guy. We immediately started throwing out junk. It was pretty satisfying.

I will probably be transferred next week, and it will be fun! I love you all, have an amazing week! 

Elder Burt

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...