3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, March 11, 2019


Well what a week!

We started off with me going on exchanges to Spanish with Elder Wheeler and Elder Martinez. They are so funny! They are very hard working Elders and it was fun sitting in lessons and being super confused as to what was going on. We also burned a shirt to symbolize me being a year old, but that never happened.

That next morning the Zone Leaders surprised me by saying I had to go some super lame meeting. Well, it was just that, super lame. However Hermana Chartier was there, so that was fun! I had not really seen her since the plane. I also met Sister Lowry, who is Elder Lowrys cousin. President gave some really good instruction on prayer, which is always needed.

Later on, due to super complicated reasons I can't go into I was with Elder Ashton and Elder Lowry at once while Elder Wheeler and Martinez were in Spanish Land. Well it was late at night so the three of us decided to go to the Monroe Elders apartment and totally raid it. It was fun! We moved their beds and totally rekt their apartment. Pretty funny! They got revenge on Spanish later.

As far as our investigators go they are doing pretty OK. We met with Brian again. He is so darn solid but dang it he has a hard time setting up stable lessons.

The good news/ bad news is that we are getting pink washed. We are going to be both transferred out of this area and replaced with sisters! Sisters can definitely do a lot of things Elders can't so I'm excited to see how this wonderful area does!

Thank you all for supporting me! Do not send any mail and packages until next week due to transfers!


Elder Burt

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