3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, October 28, 2019

Slow Week

Hello all!

Pretty slow week. We had a pretty good time driving around I guess. Unfortunately not a lot of people answered their doors. However I did go on exchanges to Arlington which was fun. We had an awesome lesson with a guy named Duston. He is progressing pretty good, and the Spirit was super strong as we talked about commitment. Hopefully he will end up going somewhere.

We also had a fun time at interviews with President Auna. He is so inspired. I love talking with him! It looks like I am going to be in Stillaguamish for the next 8 weeks. I look forward to it! I feel like there is a lot of work to be done.

Nothing much happened. We had another lesson with Fred, but we are not able to put him on date yet. Please pray that we will be able to put him back on date.

Love you all! 
Have a great week!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Brian is Being Baptized!!

Hello all!

It was a pretty wild week! We had tons of fun at the old folks home on Tuesday. I painted a pumpkin that I for one really enjoy. We talked to an old guy named Les, who loves painting as well. We talked to him about the church a little bit as well which was nice.

On Wednesday we had a sweet lesson with the Rusher Family. They are very knowledgeable in the Gospel even though they are new converts. I hope we will be able to help them come back to church. I also got a call from the Hollywood hill Elders that BRIAN IS BEING BAPTISED! I am so excited and will totally claim him as a baptism. He is so great, and has worked so hard to get this far. Hopefully it will go through. I have been asked to give a talk on the Holy Ghost at his Baptism as well.

While in Darrington Friday, thanks to wonderful GPS, we accidentally drove all over someone's property. A lady came out crying, and said we had totally ruined her day. Shows that not all technology is totally inspired. Also we are pretty sure she was under the influence of some substances. Saturday we had a lesson with Fred which was pretty awesome, and he asked us 14 questions, which were very direct and pointed. We answered all of them the best we could, and he said that he will be baptised if he feels the Book of Mormon is true.

I am personally doing better. Thank you so much for your prayers. 
Love you all!

Monday, October 14, 2019

New Comp!

Hello all!

I have a new companion. His name is Elder MacDonald. He is from the far away land of Beaver Utah. He is pretty freaking awesome. He is 6'5 which is pretty hype. He has been out for 10 months. It is odd being at the point in my mission where basically every missionary you talk to has been out less time then you, and in most cases way less time.

Stilly has been pretty wild. Same ol' running around the woods looking for less active people who probably haven't lived there in years. Still super fun though. We had a super crazy lesson Saturday morning where he was explaining how he believed all this doctrine from the Bible, and got excommunicated from his old church for believing in that doctrine.

We found out the he believes that the true church needs authority, that it will be Christs tool to usher in 1000 years of peace, and that we need to be baptised for the dead. 

We told him he's right and that he has found the true church. His name is Fred, and he will probably be baptized eventually. We will see how he is doing next week. 

Keep praying for me guys! 
Love you all and have an amazing week! 

Monday, October 7, 2019

General Conference

Hello World and all who inhabit it!

Conference was freaking wild! I loved it so much. It was incredibly revelatory and I had many questions anwsered. We got a few of our friends to watch conference as well which was super awesome. They really enjoyed it. We went to a members home to watch it with our investigator Fred. He was like "Woah, that guy is a prophet?" and I said "Absolutely, he has that calling and authority". He was blown away and wants to learn more about the church. He is awesome and has a huge interest in family history. Hopefully something good will come of it!

While tracting a few days ago, a man opened his door and said "GO AWAY!!". I politely asked "Is there anything we can help you with?". He yelled "WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT GO AWAY!!". I smiled and said "Have an amazing day sir. You will wished you would have listened to what we had to say." and then we proceeded to walk away. I am pretty fed up with human beings after 19 months. Pray that I won't get too jaded.

Elder Clonts is getting transferred away from me which is a real shame. Tomorrow however I will have a new companion! I am excited for next transfer and I feel like this area is just getting started. Hopefully I can continue to serve here for at least 2 more transfers.

I need you all to know, that undeniably Russel M Nelson is a prophet of God. He has authority to call himself a prophet and the authority to say "Thus saith the Lord". He speaks with him. He knows him. We would be wise to do what ancient Israel did not do enough, which is heed the words of the Prophet of God.

Next conference is going to be way to good!

Love you all! 

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...