3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, February 24, 2020

Jimmy and Knee-C

Hey Everyone!

Tuesday this week was annoying, I finished my plan which is an absolute atrocity of a program designed to make you as trunky as possible. I am considering contacting the UN and filling it as a human rights violation.

The flip side of that is we had 2 awesome lessons. We had one with Barbra again and showed her the Rome Italy temple tour. She teared up and knew it was a sacred space. It was super awesome and she is trying to gain a testimony.

We had a lesson with our friend Allison and showed her the same video and it went super good. She had tons of questions and requested we talk about the afterlife next time. 

Wednesday I had a super fun instruction on symbolism in the Scriptures. We had two new members in our District! Elder and Sister Fiske who are senior couple missionaries. They totally rock.

Thursday I was on exchanges with my zone leader Elder Ashton. He is like super straight laced so I was pretty on guard. Heaven forbid I say heck or something. He is a great guy though so it's alright. 

Friday we had a lesson with our favorite members, Vivian, Jimmy and Knee-C. Knee-C actually isn't a member yet, we are working on it. They are black and come from a rough neighborhood so they have the best stories. One of them blew up an RV one time. Long story. 

Saturday we had the Macho chef ward party. We gorged ourselves on Food, and Rodney and Barbara were there! That Sunday Barbra came to church. 

Its been a great week. Renew your Temple Recommends and go to the Temple ASAP. The Restoration is here, and if you don't get on the train now, it will leave the station without you. 

Love you! 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Flying Metal Plungers

Hello World!

Super good news. Elder Swindlehurst and I are still together kicking Butt! We had a few awesome lessons this last week. We had two with Barbara, where we talked about Joseph Smith and some of the things he did that where """""sketchy""""" (Oh no he looked in a hat!! Oh no he practiced polygamy?!!! ðŸ˜¥ðŸ˜¥ðŸ˜¥ What a bunch of baby's) and she said it all makes sense. She totally rocks and takes the title of Grandma. She demanded I come visit her with a pretty wife. I will try and meet those demands.

We also taught Anila, a Catholic refugee from Iran. She loves our gospel, especially as she is confused with the heretical Doctrine of the Trinty. We explained the truth. She likes it.

We had fun going to exchanges and seeing everyone. Elder Lowry is still kicking it! First thing he did is throw a metal plunger at me which was hype. Seeing Elder Eatough for probably the last time makes me weep.

We are still working hard at Habitat! Pray that we will continue to grind and work hard.

Love you! 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

From Facebook

Never once does the Doctrine of "God will never give you a challenge you can't handle" show up in the scriptures. If this Doctrine were true, there would be absolutely no need for our savior. We would be able through our own works to overcome sin and pain all on our own, with nothing but optimism and a good mood.
This, of course, is blatantly wrong. No doubt those attributes can take us a long way. But the Book of Mormon teaches something different.
2 Nephi 9:7 Wherefore, it must needs be an infinite atonement—save it should be an infinite atonement this corruption could not put on incorruption. Wherefore, the first judgment which came upon man must needs have remained to an endless duration. And if so, this flesh must have laid down to rot and to crumble to its mother earth, to rise no more
No amount of our own works could save us from an eternal rotting, and our lives eventually through laws of entropy and sin crumble to its mother earth. Only an infinite amount of grace from the death of a perfect being could have the power for us to overcome, and become saved and exalted.
Don't ever just rely on yourself. Life is a challenge that no one can handle alone. No matter how tough you think you are or how good your GPA is, the Lord Jesus Christ has literally taken on every challenge, so that he can be with us every step of the way in our existence.

Monday, February 10, 2020

With Swoosh Again!

Hello all!

It was a wild week. We had a bonfire on P-day at the beach. It was awesome! That Tuesday morning I went and got half a root canal done, and will rap it up at the end of the month.

That night I went on exchanges with Elder Slack again. It was pretty fun, probably stayed up way too late talking about the Doctrine of the Kingdom. I have really enjoyed getting to know him.

The night after that I was able to go on exchanges with Elder Hatch. We were in the YSA ward and had a great dinner with Elder Eatough again. Me and him got along way good when I was the dictator of Bothell. It was a fun dinner, and me and Hatch are super tight. We taught an awesome lesson to a man they were teaching, and testifying of the Book of Mormon was awesome.

After that I went in exchanges with Elder Wright, who was Elder Eatoughs companion in Bothell. He is super tight-laced so it was funny poking him and testing his limits. He is super inspiring though.

We had a great lesson WITH Barbra again! She really is like another grandma, she said we are her grandkids. While coming to Stake Conference this Saturday, she explained that she was going through some tough times, and we recommended going to the Temple. We will find out how she enjoyed the gardens.

I love you all! Me and swoosh will be together another transfer.

Love ya! Pray I don't go crazy!

Monday, February 3, 2020

A Wild Week!

Wow, what a wild week!

Tuesday morning we went all the way down to the Devils Spit Can, I mean Seattle. We woke up way early so we could be there on time, but still did not make it on time. Luckily Dr. Baker was super kind and merciful to me about it. That was a week ago, and this morning I got a preparatory root canal, meaning I will get a full root canal in about 3 weeks.

Later that day, we dropped off our investigators letter to our mission President, and got a Suprise third companion. Elder Davenport! He was going home in a few days so it was logistically better for him to be with us his last few days. It was fun, he was in my first district almost two years ago.

I went on exchanges with Elder Davison in Olympic View, and we were able to teach there investigator Tom. He is recovering from addiction, and it is beautiful to see his testimony of Jesus grow. We also went to the Harley Davidson dealership again, and man, I am really considering getting one. They look sick, and I don't think I could be more patriotic. 

I am doing great! I love you all so much, thank you for all your prayers!

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...