3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, May 28, 2018

"Remember not to hit!"


This week was great! I had to repair my bike again but now I think I'm done with repairs, and I am still under budget and I have a great bike! We are able to get around our huge area pretty effectively, all though going up a 10 degree 300 foot hill to get to casino road isn't exactly the funnest thing in the world, it is fine with me!

We picked up a new investigator. Super awesome old black lady. She is already pretty knowledgeable in the gospel and has a lot of respect for Joseph Smith. We will be putting her on date this Tuesday to get baptized hopefully. That would be incredible!

We also hung out with Mark a lot this week. He has been baptised for 2 years and works in the temple all the time. Super great guy and has a sweet truck and took us out to burger master a ton. It's this awesome burger place that uses huge amounts of beef! One patty is one pound! Mark is super funny, and I'm grateful he lives in our zone. He helps out missionaries are the time.

We also had transfers this last Monday. Elder Conk is going to finish training me, which is wonderful! Me and him get along great, we talk about guns and the gospel all the time. We have also been taking about cars a lot and has been giving me some great ideas for the jeep.

We also have been getting yelled at all the time from people in there cars. We can never understand what they are saying, so we just like to think they love mormons. 

Every Sunday is absolutely hilarious. We have a few interesting characters. First we have a 50 year old man, but his brain stopped developing at 5. He yells stuff in Elders Quorum all the time like "Remember not to hit!" and "Remember to use oil when cooking!". Next we have a guy who just moved here from Utah. He is pretty mentally unstable. Nice guy, but says the funniest stuff like "the lost tribes are on the moon!" and "I should consecrate 50 gallons of olive oil so I never run out!". Very inappropriate and the rest of the class seems really annoyed by them but me and Elder Conk love it. 

I pray for you all the time, and I love you all!

-Elder Burt

Also I LOVE TAI FOOD! This was some fish I had and it was super spicy and incredible!

Note from Mom: This is a huge deal! Cameron would really only eat hamburgers and Italian food. We are so happy he is having all these fun and new experiences!

Monday, May 21, 2018

"samey" Is that word Elder Burt?


This week has been pretty slow and samey. Unfortunately our investigators are really frustrating and we aren't sure if they actually want to progress, hopefully this week we will sort out who wants to progress and who doesn't. We also have transfers this week and I am staying with Elder Conk. He is a great companion and trainer and we work hard and have tons of fun. Looking forward to the next six weeks with him! We have continued to make chocolate chip pancakes, and we have the Spanish Elders (Elder Steele and Elder Nissan) over a lot for breakfast. I feel like I am really getting closer to my zone, and I genuinely love all the missionaries.

We also ate really good this week. We had brownies and ice cream and burgers practically every night, and one of the members had the absolute cutest dogs! Almost as cute as Rexy!

I love all of you and I pray for you all the time! Going to the temple re dedication I'm sure was an incredible experience. President Erying is an inspired man. He is a wonder man and Child of God. I would encourage you to put more pictures of Temples around your home. You can never have to many, and on my phone I have temple pictures everywhere! It is the most beautiful place on this earth, every single one of them.

I love you all! Remember to read the scriptures, I would highly recommend the sermon on the mount in the Book of Mathew! Fantastic. By reading Mathew mark, Luke, John, and 3 Nephi, your testimony expands tons!

I pray for you all! Drive safe!

- Elder Burt

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Facebook Post #6

John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Image may contain: sky, night and outdoor

No matter how large the world may seem, no matter how much of it you will ever see, no matter how infinite the heavens above us, God designed every spec and every part of you, and knows you perfectly. His son Jesus Christ suffered the pains of the world, and no matter how far we fall, he knows exactly how to help us, in a perfect manner.

Monday, May 14, 2018

WACK Tuesday!


This last week was HILARIOUS and awesome! I absolutely love this ward and the mission is really growing on me. I also want to thank my mom for being such a wonderful provider, listener, boss, caregiver, and friend :) she has been so wonderful to me. Without her I probably wouldn't be on a misson, would have never graduated high school, and would be a total wreck. I love her so much and she is such a blessing to me in my life :)

I love you mom:=)

So last Tuesday has been named by me and Elder Conk WACK Tuesday because a bunch of crazy things happened. First we got talked to by some crazy hippie Christian about how we don't need to repent and how we can do whatever we want and not be punished. He was super crazy but very very kind. Then we got talked to by a Born again Christian who was like "Why do you deceptive Mormons not preach the cross?" and I told him "I don't worship false idols made out of wood. I worship the living God of Israel". Then my companion got really passionate with his testimony and he almost punched him so we got out of there. Then while we were walking home some crazy guy with orange basketball shorts and a torn up jacket with a cigarette came up to us and was like "I need your help moving this 3000 dollar particle machine. I can use it to find gold on the beach!" then his wife came out who was super WACK and asked us if we knew where she could babysit. We went to go find a cop cause we were 99% sure he stole that machine. They got everything sorted out thank goodness. The rest of this week was pretty boring, we did find a few people that might turn into investigators so we will get in touch with them this week.

I have learned a lot this week about loving those who we feel least deserve it. My companion was super mad at the born-again, so we both had to vent and calm down a little. It's funny to think he doesn't think we are going to heaven but we believe we will. I wonder which who actually believes in Christ's mercy in this situation ðŸ¤”

Remember to love one another as Christ loved you. 

I love all of you so so much! See you all next week. 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Facebook Post #5

Image may contain: night

Evidence of our creator is in all things. This wonderful image is called the hubble deep field image. Each point of light is a galaxy with untold number of stars and planets. As we go through out our lives, learning, experiencing, and studying all things, we are provided evidence of our loving creator in every field of life.

Genesis 1:1-3 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Facebook Post #4

My mother has been such a blessing to me in my life. Let us not ever forget that being a mother is probably the most important job on this earth. They are in charge of raising the next generation to be hard workers, faithful, intelligent, and capable, and any of those attributes I have I can thank my mom for.
Love ya mom!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Facebook Post #3

Always remember to be charitable. If you have faith but no charity, your faith is dead. If you have faith and charity, Christ appreciates nothing more.

Chapter 34
Amulek testifies that the word is in Christ unto salvation—Unless an atonement is made, all mankind must perish—The whole law of Moses points toward the sacrifice of the Son of God—The eternal plan of redemption is based on faith and repentance—Pray for temporal and spiritual blessings—This life is the time for men to prepare to meet God—Work out your salvation with fear before God. About 74 B.C.
29 Therefore, if ye do not remember to be charitable, ye are as dross, which the refiners do cast out, (it being of no worth) and is trodden under foot of men.

Monday, May 7, 2018

I love the mission so much!


Spencer I am so proud of you! You are the cutest and the best brother ever! I love you so much!

Katie you are so awesome! Keep doing what you are doing and remember it's OK if you get an A-. Mom and dad were happy when I got a C-!

Lyndsey remember high-school isnt much longer for you and it will be over before you know it. Just work and have fun, and don't worry about what other people think. 

This week has been really fun! We got a new investigator named kolby. He is a single dad with 3 cute little kids, the youngest being 5. He is super open to the gospel and we love teaching him. He is also super ripped with a huge nuclear bomb tattoo.

Unfortunately my companions bike broke so we have been on foot all week. Luckily we have been burning just under 4000 calories a day, so we can eat whatever we want! I have been stove popping popcorn like every night and my companion loves it. On Tuesday for lunch we had lunch with a guy named Todd at an awesome teriyaki place. He reminds me so much of uncle Ryan. He is super spiritual and awesome to be around. He loves the out doors, and is a recent convert of only four years, however he acts like he has been a member is whole life. Apparently he is super loaded, and used to own a 7 million dollar Leer jet before he sold it. He never talks about his money though, I only found all this out from the other missionaries. He used to be Lutheran and loves the bible, and encouraged me to read Mathew Mark Luke and John, and I would recommend everyone read those as well! Those plus 3rd Nephi will give you an incredible testimony of our savior Jesus Christ.

While we were out walking, some guy pulled up and yelled at us "BRIGHAM YOUNG RIDES CHARIOTS OF FIRE ON THE SUN" and then drove away. It was so random and funny we were laughing for a solid half hour. Anti Mormons are the funniest. Someone else pulled up and was like "DID YOU KNOW BRIGHAM YOUNG STOLE CATTLE AND DRANK TEAAA?" We were like "Sure" and then he drove away. I love the mission so much! 

This week was pretty fun, make sure to email me so I can find out what y'all are up to!

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...