3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, May 7, 2018

I love the mission so much!


Spencer I am so proud of you! You are the cutest and the best brother ever! I love you so much!

Katie you are so awesome! Keep doing what you are doing and remember it's OK if you get an A-. Mom and dad were happy when I got a C-!

Lyndsey remember high-school isnt much longer for you and it will be over before you know it. Just work and have fun, and don't worry about what other people think. 

This week has been really fun! We got a new investigator named kolby. He is a single dad with 3 cute little kids, the youngest being 5. He is super open to the gospel and we love teaching him. He is also super ripped with a huge nuclear bomb tattoo.

Unfortunately my companions bike broke so we have been on foot all week. Luckily we have been burning just under 4000 calories a day, so we can eat whatever we want! I have been stove popping popcorn like every night and my companion loves it. On Tuesday for lunch we had lunch with a guy named Todd at an awesome teriyaki place. He reminds me so much of uncle Ryan. He is super spiritual and awesome to be around. He loves the out doors, and is a recent convert of only four years, however he acts like he has been a member is whole life. Apparently he is super loaded, and used to own a 7 million dollar Leer jet before he sold it. He never talks about his money though, I only found all this out from the other missionaries. He used to be Lutheran and loves the bible, and encouraged me to read Mathew Mark Luke and John, and I would recommend everyone read those as well! Those plus 3rd Nephi will give you an incredible testimony of our savior Jesus Christ.

While we were out walking, some guy pulled up and yelled at us "BRIGHAM YOUNG RIDES CHARIOTS OF FIRE ON THE SUN" and then drove away. It was so random and funny we were laughing for a solid half hour. Anti Mormons are the funniest. Someone else pulled up and was like "DID YOU KNOW BRIGHAM YOUNG STOLE CATTLE AND DRANK TEAAA?" We were like "Sure" and then he drove away. I love the mission so much! 

This week was pretty fun, make sure to email me so I can find out what y'all are up to!

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Coming Home!!!

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