3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, May 14, 2018

WACK Tuesday!


This last week was HILARIOUS and awesome! I absolutely love this ward and the mission is really growing on me. I also want to thank my mom for being such a wonderful provider, listener, boss, caregiver, and friend :) she has been so wonderful to me. Without her I probably wouldn't be on a misson, would have never graduated high school, and would be a total wreck. I love her so much and she is such a blessing to me in my life :)

I love you mom:=)

So last Tuesday has been named by me and Elder Conk WACK Tuesday because a bunch of crazy things happened. First we got talked to by some crazy hippie Christian about how we don't need to repent and how we can do whatever we want and not be punished. He was super crazy but very very kind. Then we got talked to by a Born again Christian who was like "Why do you deceptive Mormons not preach the cross?" and I told him "I don't worship false idols made out of wood. I worship the living God of Israel". Then my companion got really passionate with his testimony and he almost punched him so we got out of there. Then while we were walking home some crazy guy with orange basketball shorts and a torn up jacket with a cigarette came up to us and was like "I need your help moving this 3000 dollar particle machine. I can use it to find gold on the beach!" then his wife came out who was super WACK and asked us if we knew where she could babysit. We went to go find a cop cause we were 99% sure he stole that machine. They got everything sorted out thank goodness. The rest of this week was pretty boring, we did find a few people that might turn into investigators so we will get in touch with them this week.

I have learned a lot this week about loving those who we feel least deserve it. My companion was super mad at the born-again, so we both had to vent and calm down a little. It's funny to think he doesn't think we are going to heaven but we believe we will. I wonder which who actually believes in Christ's mercy in this situation ðŸ¤”

Remember to love one another as Christ loved you. 

I love all of you so so much! See you all next week. 

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