3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, May 28, 2018

"Remember not to hit!"


This week was great! I had to repair my bike again but now I think I'm done with repairs, and I am still under budget and I have a great bike! We are able to get around our huge area pretty effectively, all though going up a 10 degree 300 foot hill to get to casino road isn't exactly the funnest thing in the world, it is fine with me!

We picked up a new investigator. Super awesome old black lady. She is already pretty knowledgeable in the gospel and has a lot of respect for Joseph Smith. We will be putting her on date this Tuesday to get baptized hopefully. That would be incredible!

We also hung out with Mark a lot this week. He has been baptised for 2 years and works in the temple all the time. Super great guy and has a sweet truck and took us out to burger master a ton. It's this awesome burger place that uses huge amounts of beef! One patty is one pound! Mark is super funny, and I'm grateful he lives in our zone. He helps out missionaries are the time.

We also had transfers this last Monday. Elder Conk is going to finish training me, which is wonderful! Me and him get along great, we talk about guns and the gospel all the time. We have also been taking about cars a lot and has been giving me some great ideas for the jeep.

We also have been getting yelled at all the time from people in there cars. We can never understand what they are saying, so we just like to think they love mormons. 

Every Sunday is absolutely hilarious. We have a few interesting characters. First we have a 50 year old man, but his brain stopped developing at 5. He yells stuff in Elders Quorum all the time like "Remember not to hit!" and "Remember to use oil when cooking!". Next we have a guy who just moved here from Utah. He is pretty mentally unstable. Nice guy, but says the funniest stuff like "the lost tribes are on the moon!" and "I should consecrate 50 gallons of olive oil so I never run out!". Very inappropriate and the rest of the class seems really annoyed by them but me and Elder Conk love it. 

I pray for you all the time, and I love you all!

-Elder Burt

Also I LOVE TAI FOOD! This was some fish I had and it was super spicy and incredible!

Note from Mom: This is a huge deal! Cameron would really only eat hamburgers and Italian food. We are so happy he is having all these fun and new experiences!

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