3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, February 25, 2019

Spanish Land

Hello all!

Well this week was pretty... challenging.

I was pretty sick for a lot of it. We also lost a little bit of our teaching pool. However, there were some pretty decent highlights. 

I went on exchanges with Elder Martinez and Elder Ashton to Spanish land. I had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what was going on. It was pretty hilarious. Elder Martinez is an amazing missionary. He has been a member for a year and a half. He is more converted then most members. he is awesome. Elder Ashton is from Highland. We had tons of fun.

My district council was all over the place. It was pretty fun! We talked about the importance of prophets. Elder Lowry kept interrupting and saying funny stuff during it. I was laughing pretty hard.

We had another lesson with Captain Jack. We talked about guns and stuff for an unreasonable amount of time. However we managed to talk about family history. How we got in the subject was pretty funny. We were talking about underground apocalypse bunkers. I mentioned the giant bunker the church has up Little Cottonwood canyon. We keep all of our family history up there. He loved it! He asked why we care so much, and I explained baptisms for the dead. The spirit was super strong, and he teared up. Hopefully he will start going to church and read the Book of Mormon.

Sunday was sad. We went to church, however during church, I almost feel over and passed out. We went home afterwards, and unfortunately did not get on opportunity to work. I hated it and it was a shame. Hopefully we will be able to make up for it this week. 

Have a wonderful week everyone and don't forget to go to the temple!

Elder Burt

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