3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, July 29, 2019

Tall Redheads Rule the World

Bothell had 2 more baptisms this week! I interviewed Sam Wolff to be baptized. She is so awesome! I am so happy for the good decision she has made that will bless her in the eternity! Elder Kelly came up to baptize Richard in the Bothell ward. He is an old guy but he has now made the decision to be saved by the grace of Christ through baptism!

We also instructed in zone conference on the blessings of obedience. The Relief society room where we instructed in was BOILING hot. I was sweating super hard the whole time. Everyone made fun of me! It was like freaking sea world. It was hilarious! President Auna even thought it was funny. It was a great conference!

I have been studying a lot in the Doctrine and Covenants lately. Section 132 is heartbreaking. I hope we can all remember the great sacrifice the "best blood of the 19th century" made.

I love y'all! Have a great day! 

Elder Burt

Monday, July 22, 2019

Lion Statues

Hello all

We tracted a ton this week! We only have multi Millionaires in our area, and we noticed a lot of places have lion statues and we take selfies with all of them! In fact my new profile picture on Facebook is a multi millionaire who got mad at us, so I took a dope picture on his bench out of spite! We actually had success though! One man answered and took the Book of Mormon saying he will pray about it and learn more about Christ. He was just visiting and normally lives in Lynnwood, but we referred him to the Elders up there. We will see what happens!

We also had transfers. We have 2 new Russian sisters, and due to gender, we barely fit all of their luggage in our car. That is not including the luggage in their car. I also got to see my son and a lot of other friends! I love Elder Lowry, he is so legit.

Our friend Amber came to a relief society activity which was super awesome. Our ward has been so great at fellowshipping her and set a good example as to what a missionary minded ward looks like.

Come follow me was super hype this week! DO COME FOLLOW ME THE PROPHET SAID SO!

I love all of you! Keep being awesome! 

Elder Burt

 Sisters Luggage - He grew up with the girls and I always packing a lot - I don't know why this surprised him! :)

 His "son" Elder Lowry
 More fun with dogs!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Bring Out Your Dead!

Well this week was definitely something special! We had MLC on Tuesday which was breath ta-kingly awesome. It was super spiritual and amazing to observe President Auna take the reigns and keys of a mission President. We talked about obedience and studied the Doctrine and Covenants.

We spent a lot of time with Winget, Hatch and Kelly for dinner and such considering they are super dead. As you read this they are home. It was a surreal experience watching them go away permanently to the real world. I doubt that will ever happen to me!

We had a great lesson with Brian last night! He has not read the scriptures in weeks due to his insane amount of jobs. We read 2 Nephi 31 all about baptized. He said he would love to be baptized! We have a long road ahead of us as far as cigarettes and other stuff but he has that goal!

It has been an awesome week. I love you all! Also I will be staying in Hollywood hill another transfer. I am so excited! Love you all!

Elder Burt

Monday, July 8, 2019

Keep America Great

Happy Fourth of July!

We had a super dope lesson with Amber! She is doing great and we cannot wait to be with her again to read the scriptures. I love helping others come closer to Jesus Christ, and I cannot wait to do that for another 8 months!

Fourth of July itself was kinda rough. It was really fun in the morning as we all shot each other with Nerf guns and stuff which was awesome. I love the fourth of July itself because of fireworks, however as a missionary you cant exactly do that. A lot of missionaries made very poor decisions as well and it caused me a lot of stress. I hope I can get the concerns resolved. 

I also went on exchanges with Elder Hatch again which was super fun. He's a very intelligent guy and we had some awesome conversations about the Gospel. He is going home with a group of 30 missionaries in a week, so I was getting some old missionary advice.

We had some awesome dinners! We had dinner with the Barrows who are multi millionaires and gave us financial advise. Then we had dinner with the Noriss's who know the Adamson family in woods creek! It was a fun dinner. 

I read the first chapter of saints 2 and geeked out the whole time. I love church history.

Have a great week! 

Elder Burt

Monday, July 1, 2019

Hawaii Rules the World

Well, this week we said goodbye to President Wilding. I love him to death! Easily one of the greatest human beings alive. I am grateful for his forgiveness, charity, and love that he led this mission with. I have no doubt he will be an apostle!

We met with President Auna this week! He is super legit and is from the big island of Hawaii! He used to be a family judge, and has helped save marriages and children from abuse situations. He also drove President Nelson around the big island when he was visiting. He used to be a 70! Easily him and his wife are the most loving people ever. 

We were able to talk with Brian again, and that is still going great! He absolutely loves the Book of Mormon. We showed him President Nelsons talk about the Book of Mormon and Jeffery R Hollands Safety for the soul. He loved it and the church tour. It was sacred spiritual experience. Next step is putting him on date to be baptized! But first he has to overcome smoking. 

It is going to be a great week! Love you all so much! 

Elder Burt

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...