3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, September 30, 2019


What a week! We got yelled at Tuesday for going up some guys property. He came down and said "YO I could have shot you! What are you doing?". We explained we were looking for a member of our church and he continued to freak out. We just smiled and stayed happy and it mad him mad. It was kinda hilarious. Later that day we sat down with a young man in our ward and gave him advice on being a missionary. Hopefully he takes it seriously but not to seriously! 

We have been doing good things. Yesterday we found 2 new friends! Hopefully they progress in the gospel, I am really excited to meet with them! I think I'm getting used to things around here a little bit better. 

Do any of you have advice on how to sleep better? I unfortunately have been struggling sleeping. Mostly my mind just races. I mostly contemplate my future. I usually just try and think about the Gospel.

I am super hyped for general conference! 

Love you all so much! 

Monday, September 23, 2019

Elder Burt Doesn't Do Drugs

Whole Lotta funny things happened this week. It has really been raining a lot!

On Wednesday we had a lesson with the Hyde family. They are less active, but super awesome. The boyfriend - practically husband is not a member. We have been teaching them for a few weeks, and Elda (no hard R) Clonts almost put him on date! He said he would love to be baptized eventually. We will keep working with him.

On Saturday we went to Darrington. After almost getting mugged by a biker gang, we went to a lesson with the Olsen family. The people /group we were teaching offered me weed half way through. I respectfully denied. It was hilarious. 

It has been raining and I love it! Elder Clonts is adjusting OK. We also had the opportunity to instruct the young women on missionary work and why it's important. 

I love you all so much! If you wanna show me love, just email me memes. 

Elder Burt

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ether 12:27

Hello all!

What a fun week. We had zone conference on Tuesday which was super fun. We were instructed by the assistants and President. We were taught and spiritually uplifted. The zone leaders had a good instruction where we went from room to room in the stake center to different stations, where we talked about and discussed particular topics.

We had a good time driving in the deep woods looking for less active members. We were pretty sure we were going to be attacked by Indians and/or bears. That would have made for a good email but no such thing happened. However the less actives were not interested in coming back or removing their records. I mean do one or the other but maybe I'm just to judgey. 

We also visited some awesome members named the Anglins! They have a dream setup, and we shared a quick message with the Dad and son. They have a modest house, a trout filled pond and a shooting range. They have a dream setup. Kinda made me trunky but I'm good! I just really miss shooting guns.

We went down to Darrington again and had dinner with the Mauldin's. They are so awesome! Darrington is a fun town and we had a lesson with a non member family called the Olsens. They had a really good question about why bad things happen to good people. I read 

And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Ether 12:27 

and they were like blown away. They loved it! Elder Clonts is doing really well! His teaching skills are really improving, and I am proud.

I love you all! Please attend the holy temple as often as possible.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Ambushed by Horses

Hello all!

This week has been pretty hectic and fun. We found a man named Scott. He has been living "on the lamb" for awhile now. Due to very complicated and private reasons, he will not be able to join the church in this life. He is a very kind man though, and it was humbling to see him in the situation he was in. 

I went on exchanges with Elder Blue. He has only been out six months. We had a great time running around and baring testimony to random people like we always do. We also ran down and explored a river, and during a lesson that night we got ambushed by horses! It was a fun exchange, and we were talking politics and thew gospel the whole time.

We had a really dope training meeting on Friday! It was good to see Sister Simonson, Elder Wright and a whole ton of other missionaries. I love President! He is truly really loving.

I was reflecting on the the lamp stand in the ancient tabernacle in the old testament. It represented the holy ghost and required to be burned at all times. We too must require the holy ghost to always be present in our home.

Love you all!

Monday, September 2, 2019


Hello everyone! It was pretty sad leaving Hollywood Hill. I am going to miss the Bothell zone. So many good memories were made. I have grown to love (for the most part) the people in Bothell. Being a zone leader was pretty fun I guess!

I got word on Tuesday that I was double training. I ended up getting Elder Clonts and Elder Cahoon! Elder Cahoon left for Italy on Friday. It was fun being able to teach him how to missionary. Elder Clonts has been really fun too, I already see improvement in his performance as far as tracting goes. I love being on the front lines of missionary work again! We are in an area and ward called Stillaguamish. We have enormous ward boundaries, and the country vibes are definitely there.

We got to our apartment and it was total trash. We spent an hour cleaning it up and making it look nice. When we were done it really helped bring the Spirit in.

I loved Come Follow Me this week. Baptisms for the dead is a really cool topic to me. That reminds me, please go to the temple!

Funny story this week. So we were driving back from a lesson with a member and decided to get a drink at 7/11. Some drunk guy came in and started yelling all sorts of funny stuff. He was like "You represent 666! Theirs three of you so take that times 3 and thats 666!"

It was a good week! Love you all!


 I asked Elder Burt about his favorite pose for pictures, he said it comes from his favorite emoji:
The "thinking" one

Image result for thinking emoji

Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...