3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, September 30, 2019


What a week! We got yelled at Tuesday for going up some guys property. He came down and said "YO I could have shot you! What are you doing?". We explained we were looking for a member of our church and he continued to freak out. We just smiled and stayed happy and it mad him mad. It was kinda hilarious. Later that day we sat down with a young man in our ward and gave him advice on being a missionary. Hopefully he takes it seriously but not to seriously! 

We have been doing good things. Yesterday we found 2 new friends! Hopefully they progress in the gospel, I am really excited to meet with them! I think I'm getting used to things around here a little bit better. 

Do any of you have advice on how to sleep better? I unfortunately have been struggling sleeping. Mostly my mind just races. I mostly contemplate my future. I usually just try and think about the Gospel.

I am super hyped for general conference! 

Love you all so much! 

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