3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Thursday, March 29, 2018

First P-Day Email As Promised

Hey guys!

I want you to know that I love it here so much. I have Sister Dahle and Brother Everett (yes I know) as teachers and they are awesome. I also have been teaching real investigators in a thing called TRC. Our first investigator Kyle is super awesome and open to the gospel, however our second investigator Kari is very difficult and feels abandoned by God. Our first meeting with him threw a wrench in our plans cause we were stuck talking about God’s love and didn’t even touch the lesson. My companions were discouraged and I reminded them of the story of Ammon, and how Ammon had to love king Lamoni before he would listen to him. The next lesson was very spiritually uplifting and happy and was awesome.

First day here. Met my companions Elder Obray, and Elder Esplin. They are both tall and wear glasses. The only other companionship in my district is Elder Quick and Elder S’ues’ue. We got all of our papers and our handbooks and such. We also had classes all day.

Slept ok for first night. Woke up and had a pleasant breakfast with bacon. Yummy. Had to teach ourselves a lesson because the teachers had the day off. We studied preach my gospel and stuff

First workout today. Ran a mile around the track and also played four square a crap ton. It is the only thing I do at exercise time now hahha. Also taught PIs which are teachers pretending to be investigators, and it was super intense and it’s so believable that it makes you thing these people multiple personality disorder. But it’s ok, they are actually just really good at their jobs haha.

More classes, nothing notable just super spiritual and awesome

WOW way better then normal Sundays. We had sacrament with all 20 of our zone members, had sacrament, singing time and then an awesome devotional. Super spiritual and uplifting. However, we watched a recording of a devotional by Elder Bednar, and it TOPPED everything. It was titled the character of Christ, and it was by far the strongest talk I have ever seen. However it is an MTC exclusive, so you will have to come here to watch it :). We later had a going away party for the outgoing district, the guy I miss the most is elder Ingram. He was super fun and nice from day one. He is doing awesome now in Sacramento 

More classes and 4 square, sent a letter too and not sure if it sent, so if someone could tell me how to send a letter properly that would be awesome. It was basically saying I forgot my super awesome coat I got for Christmas and brought my old one by accident. Also it snowed (it’s all melted now)

Mostly a study day, we read the story of Jonah and it is probably the funniest thing I have ever read and we laughed at Jonah’s expense for a solid hour

Taught my investigators again and received your care package, and let’s just say my companions were very grateful:)

Thursday (today)
First P day and got all my immunization, laundry, and study done. I feel like I can teach effectively now, and am more organized and focused then ever.

I love you guys. I am so excited for these next 2 years, I will email y’all ASAP

Love you so much! Especially you Spencer!

Elder Burt took a selfie - this is miraculous in and of itself! He almost never takes selfies.

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