3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hey Guys!

Another great week here at the MTC! I am shipping off Tuesday at 12 and I will keep in contact with you about what phone number I should call when I get there and stuff. I love it here and part of me just wants to stay here so I can help others come unto Christ

Classes and such. Fun but nothing of note. Pretty good I think at teaching the first 3 lessons of PMG

Essentially felt like the same day. I started out despising conference. Now let me explain myself. They made us sit in the nosebleed pull out seats in the gym and my knees were up by my belly button and they made us sit there from 8 to 8 listening to devotional with no interaction and only letting us get up for food. It was the longest 2 days of my life. Don’t get me wrong, the changes were good and I particularly love President Nelson and the direction he wants to take the church. But considering there was no interaction or anything it was painful. We got to listen to a devotional/concert by a group called vocal point which I guess is a big deal or something.

Got new TRCs (investigators) and they are fun and difficult. We taught a girl named April and she is a baptist, and had tons of question about the restored gospel and about priesthood. I had to deep dive into the Bible and found tons of scriptures talking about garments and priesthood and stumped her. Our other investigator is just looking for a friend, and looking for God, and we had an awesome convo about the atonement.

We call it half P day because you wear P day clothes and do service the first half of the day. Other then that just classes

The last of the district that was here when I got here left. My district is now the oldest. We welcomed another new district and they seem like a cool bunch of doods.

Went to the temple again today, awesome. Also did tons of laundry and hung out with the boyz (my district) most of the day. We had a great class at the end as well.

Overall and awesome week. Next time I send another email like this I will be in Everett Washington!

Love you all so so much!

-Elder Burt 

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