3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


While Cameron was at the MTC we would get notes here and there. We were nervous at first that he was breaking rules, but he informed us that he was allowed to write home about logistical stuff. Here are some of those back and forth messages:

March 29, 2018 (When he sent his pictures and videos on his first P-Day)

Hey mom!
everything else has to wait till Thursday
With love
-Elder Burt

Don't worry this isn't my complete email, I have a draft on my tablet that I will send you by tonight but while I am at a computer I thought I should send you some pictures I have taken (and videos hehe)

I will send more don't worry :)

I'm so happy to see pictures! But you're right, I better get more info!

Like I said I will send a huge email about all the wonderful experiences I have had by tonight!

Love you lots!

Love you too! It's been like Christmas Eve waiting for your email! But I can be patient, because I'm so good at that, right! ;)

April 3, 2018

My companion was sent DR pepper

Would love it if something like that happened to me hint hint 

Love you lots

-Elder Burt

Hear this in the voice of our favorite policeman on Oahu - "really!!!"

We will see what we can do....

Love you so much!

Mom & Dad

P.S. when I forwarded that email to Dad he said "he is your son". Haha 

P.P.S. I'm working on a way for you to call me from the airport!

They give us things to use pay phones there

Btw I can email you throughout the week about logistical things but

Oh good to know! Did you get your big package yesterday? I'm so excited to talk to you next week! 

Kobie got his call to Detroit, Michigan today! Darren served in Wisconsin so that's really cool. 

Dad will put some caffeine in the mail tomorrow morning! 

Love you lots,

P.S. Dr. Pepper is logistical to me too as you well know. Tomorrow is double punch Wednesday at Fizz! 

April 9, 2018

Hey mom! 

I will send a more detailed message next week, but I am loving it here, and I love the work.

Can you make sure there is a enough money in my account so that I can eat at the airport 2mrow?

Thanks a bunch

Luv ya 

-Elder Burt

Hey Elder!

You have plenty of money in your account for lunch at the airport. I don't know if you can answer me back, but you're still calling me, right? I bet you are so excited to go to WA! 

Love you,

Yes I am calling you

We are so excited to talk to you! Good night!

Ryan Burt carburt@gmail.com

Mar 30, 2018, 7:47 AM
to Cameron, bcc: me

Elder Burt,

It was awesome to get your email last night. We were pretty worried when 7pm rolled around and we hadn't heard from you yet (besides the pictures) because when I was there, we could only write on p-day and p-day ended after dinner. I thought that some of the rules were a little strict, at first, but I quickly learned that the missionaries that followed the rules was happier and more spirit filled than the ones who wrote their girlfriends every day, or called home, or slept in, or............. The list goes on. 

It sounds like you have already faced and conquered a few challenges as a missionary. Keep praying and studying, and you will be able to learn things that you never thought you could learn, and you will be able to do things you never thought you could do. 

We are sure proud of you! We have already seen blessings in our home because of your service. I hope you have an awesome week and that whenever you get this email do you find it well. I love you and appreciate what you were doing for the Lord and for your family.

Be good. 

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