3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, April 30, 2018

I love being here!


This week was very fun and productive. Our area has really been struggling with finding people since way before I got here, but me and Elder Conklin found some new investigators! We found Ryan, and Lei. Ryan is a 20 year old who seems really open to the gospel, and Lei is from American Samoa and they love missionaries up there, so she said she would listen to our message. Great stuff!

I also went on 2 exchanges this week, one with one of my zone leaders Elder Hancock, and one with an Elder in my district Elder Etherington. Elder Hancocks exchange was super awesome, they have an awesome apartment with tons of square footage, and we stayed up questionably late telling ghost stories.

(Elder Burt and Elder Etherington)

Elder Etherington is great. We went tracting and everyone that rejected us was Catholic. Hmm. We also found a guy who was super nice to us at first and then said "If you think about it Satan was the first mormon missionary" and then said "Your religion is wrong God does not live on a planet" and then I looked at Elder Etherington and was like "Hey can you bring up that part of the BoM that said God lived on a planet... Oh wait there isn't one". He got mad and went inside. It was fascinating.

I gave my first BoM to Lei, and it was incredible. She committed to read the BoM and we will check in with her on Wednesday.

I love being here! Today we are having a dodge ball tournament, our zone VS another, and we will CRUSH THEM

Love all of you! You are all in my prayers! 

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Coming Home!!!

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