3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Son's of Helaman (and Alma the Younger)

Howdy everyone!

My P days got mixed up so instead of going through everything day by day I am going to just go through everything normally (the weekly format will return next week)

To start off I would like to say the MTC was all at once bizarre, weird, wonderful, scary, happy, and most beautiful experience/place ever. I never grew so close to people I only knew for 2 weeks. It was weird. I made so many life long friends friends there. We had so much fun, and some of those stories are gonna have to wait till I get home ðŸ˜‚. My district shipped out a day earlier then me, so I was the only one left for 24 hours. I got to help my awesome teacher Brother Everett teach a lesson to another district in my zone. He is a solid dude. 

Traveling here was way smoother then I thought. I arrived at the travel office last Tuesday right after lunch. We got on a bus and rode down to front runner. I was with 2 sisters the whole time. While we were riding the train, we were visited by someone who just got back from their mission, and was able to give me tips and pointers. He was an awesome guy.

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Once we got to the airport, everything went smoothly, except TSA took my toothpaste. I arrived here in beautiful Washington safely however. I spent the night at the assistance to the presidents apartments, and to be honest it was miserable. Mostly cause I was so nervous about the mission and stuff. However President Wilding was awesome and fed us pizza. 

The next day I met my trainer, Elder Conk. He is a solid Missionary. He works hard and sticks to the rules. After we had lunch at a place called Memos (a Mexican restaurant which I'm pretty sure was built out of play-doh and prayers) we went to a bike shop, and got a sweet bike, helmet and lights! So far I have rode that up and down hills, through mud, and wiped out maybe a few times.

Me and Elder Conk live in this awesome duplex. I have not found the post office yet, but I have 2 years to figure that out. My first area for now is the city of Everett, which definitely looks like the ghetto of the mission. Although there are needles and stuff everywhere, and the occasional gunshot, people LOVE the missionaries here.

What I did after Wednesday was basically solid missionary work. We visited our investigators, taught some great lessons, and mostly rode our bikes in the rain. It was a crazy good workout. My legs are super sore all the time. 

My favorite part is that we get fed awesome dinners every night. The ward here is incredible. The food equally so. I get to bear my testimony a lot and teach a lot.

I love teaching, and I love the mission. I do miss you all a ton, but I love serving the Lord. 

More pictures to come

-Elder Burt

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Coming Home!!!

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