3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, April 23, 2018

It is Paradise!


This week has been awesome! We have been struggling to find an investigator here, but the plus side is I get to talk to everyone! A lot of people tend to redirect us to other people, and we are pretty sure they just want to annoy those other people cause they think it is funny. But I am happy to do it! One person we are teaching regularly is Kevin. He was baptized recently, however, he used to be Baptist and he just wanted to be baptized again to renew his covenants. He is a super awesome guy, we just need to reteach him stuff.

This week has been full of meetings, they usually go from 9-4, and take a massive chunk out of our day. They are honestly annoying, and I wish I could just be put finding investigators, but hey, we don't always get what we want! Some of the meetings were super fun, but one of them I fell asleep in, and luckily Elder conk was there to wake me up before anyone noticed. 

The first week here it was raining like crazy, but now it is super sunny and a solid 65 degrees all the time. It is paradise! However, I noticed people don't come outside here unless it is raining, which is super interesting and hilarious to me. Also my bike is awesome, but my back tire is flat. We know how to fix it, but we never have time so we just walk everywhere. I don't mind it too much, I burn so many calories walking up steep hills I can eat whatever I want and get away with it! 

One challenge this week happened at dinner. We were eating at a members house, and I bore my testimony on prayer. I said "God will always answer our prayers, although it almost is never in the timetable we want, never the answer we want, it is always what God knows is best for us." it is something I heard at the MTC and it really spoke to me. I said that and the lady said "Ya but my mom died and I prayed she wouldn't die". SUPER awkward moment and then she stared at me for a solid 10 long seconds. I think I changed the subject to the weather. But the food was really good! It was a shrimp salad with Japanese hot sauce and it tasted incredible. Speaking of food, I found this recipe for healthy popcorn and have been stove popping popcorn all the time! And making a heck ton of eggs! I FOUND EGGS FOR A DOLLAR A DOZEN AND HAVE LOVED IT!

My goal this week is to give away as many BoMs as possible. I'm gonna write my testimony in one of them. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this week! 

Love you all! 

Elder Burt

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