3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, June 11, 2018

Jesus Christ is the Center of Our Church

Hello family!

First I wanna say congratulations to my sister Lyndsey and my little brother Spencer! Lyndsey is 16 and Spencer is 9! Lyndsey DON'T KISS ANY BOYS! Spencer have as much fun as you can! I love and miss you all so much. I pray and think about you all the time!

This last week was pretty great! We found a women named Angie. She has a sister that is a member and is really looking forward to meeting with us. I gave her a Book of Mormon and I am really looking forward to where she goes in the gospel! We had a lesson with Deloris and it went really well. We explained the plan of salvation and she excepted and loved it all. She thinks super deep into stuff and actually opened my eyes on a few things. I didn't know they talked about the war in heaven in revelations! She is super intelligent and I could totally see her working in the temple! She wasn't able to make it to church because of health problems, but we will be meeting with her soon again.

Unfortunately we also ended up bashing a lot this week. It is really sad that people think we don't worship the "real Jesus". As it says in the Bible and Book of Mormon, God the father and Jesus Christ are one in purpose, and separate in body and spirit. It is so sad to see people deny my testimony in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the center of our church. We have prophets, apostles, bishops, relief society, and many other wonderful things, but without Christ, they are meaningless. But with Christ, they are tools that can be used by his perfect hands. Do your best to live a Christ centered life. 

Not much else to say. I would really recommend all of you read Romans 8:16-17. Our divine purpose is to be heirs to the kingdom of God. We are loved by Him, and although we are nothing compared to Him, we are EVERYTHING to Him!

I love you all!

-Elder Burt

Elder Burt says "Every guys dream home"

So long fluffy hair - hello to official missionary haircut! He is still super handsome!

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