3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, June 25, 2018

Keep Reading Your Scriptures!

Hello all!

I totally forgot something last week! We had a meeting with a General Authority 70 named Elder Kopischke from Germany. He is an absolutely incredible man. He is like a mini Elder Uchtdorf! (forgive my spelling I only spell English words) He got us all fired up to encourage people to do family history and how it is a great tool for the spirit to guide people. He also held up the Book of Mormon and yelled in a very thick German accent "YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM THIS BOOK!!" and he is absolutely correct! It is the best and most correct Book on this earth today.

This week things are starting to warm up. The temperature is getting hotter! It got 80 degrees one time and me and Elder Conk were dying! Haha just kidding we are good because we found out our apartment has air conditioning. We cranked it down to 60 degrees and we both LOVE it! It's like living in a refrigerator!

Our investigator Delores is still awesome. However she said she wants to stay non denominational. We are continuing to work with her and we will take her to the family history center this Tuesday. We answer all the questions she has, but we encourage her to pray. Next lesson we have with her we will talk about prayer and priesthood some more. 

I also went on exchanges with my zone leader Elder Roche. I love him to death but he is normally super strict and on the ball with everything, which is good. However, he was ultra sick and so we stayed in and made cake and stuff. We tried to work but he did not have the energy. We had tons of awesome conversations and he is a spiritual giant. 

We have also been listening to lots of talks, and have really gotten us into the Bible. It is super awesome and hey, if you study it, the Bible proves we are the only and true church of Jesus Christ on the earth today

I love all of you! Keep reading your scriptures! 

-Elder Burt 

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