3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy 19th Elder Burt!

Elder Burt celebrated his 19th Birthday on Sunday June 17. He sent us all of these pictures to show his amazing birthday breakfast and baking skills! 
French Toast Nutella Roll Ups - super fancy! 

Bacon! - Of course, Cameron doesn't celebrate most holidays without bacon!

 His very own Texas sheetcake! I sent him the recipe including the secret ingredient I use to make the cake he loves! When I expressed my regret I couldn't send him a cake he said "Give me the recipe, me and Conk bake!"

And in true Cameron style he spent his birthday money on Nerf guns and the missionaries had a Nerf fight on P-Day! I'm so grateful he had a fun birthday in the mission field! Birthdays are kind of a big deal around here so to know he was really happy filled my heart with joy! I sure love this missionary son of mine!

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Coming Home!!!

Well, due to current circumstances in the world, my family has elected to come up to Washington on Monday, and pick me up and take me home. ...