3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, June 4, 2018

Remember to Keep Your Life Christ Centered


This week has been awesome! Teaching this awesome black lady named Delores, and she is great. She really trusts the bible, she is awesome! She came to church and everyone loved her!

I am so grateful to be able to teach her. Teaching people is awesome, and whenever we teach, I feel like the Spirt takes over, and I love it. She is super Christ centered which is great. Those are my favorite kind of people.

I also went on exchanges with Elder Lelo this week. He is Polynesian and we had an extremely successful exchange. We gave away tons of Book of Mormons and helped people out. We worked hard and did awesome. 

I would like to take a few sentences and talk about sacrament meeting. It seems to be a common trend to get up in Sacrament meeting and share a super long story, not say anything about Christ, and then close in the name of Jesus Christ. There is nothing wrong with giving a talk when you are assigned one, but testimony meeting is for testifying of sacred things you know to be true, not to tell a story about how grateful you are for your new water bed. They should be short, simple, and powerful, and most importantly Christ centered.

Our ward REALLY struggled with that yesterday. Just remember, it's not a talk, you don't have to take that long. Just testify what you know to be true.

I am working really hard, and I love being out here. Remember to keep your life Christ centered, pray daily, read scriptures daily, and attend the temple often. You have no excuse not to go my friends and family, almost all of you are in Utah.

I love all of you dearly! Drive safe!

-Elder Burt

I saw some F-18s yesterday! 

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Coming Home!!!

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